If you could change one mistake what would it be? (excluding the whole jw thing)

by Voices 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Voices

    My ex


  • N.drew

    Popping speed in college

  • blondie

    Returning after my first inactive period.

  • jam

    Marrying so young (19).

  • AnneB

    Saying "I do" instead of "No".

  • MrFreeze

    The only mistakes I made that I regret enough to change were JW related

  • IsaacJ22

    Not confronting Witnesses who harassed me for years after I left the KH sooner--or even going to the police.

  • james_woods

    I once bought a Pontiac Fiero V6 GT.

  • Bella15

    Dating an exboyfriend after my divorce ... PLEASE ALL OUT THERE ... learn from me and stay away from old flames ... LOL!

    You know I wish I could change all my JW life, but unfortunately it was out of my control I was very little (2-3) when my mom encountered that cult ... I lived years under that spell

    But it was my choice to date my ex-boyfriend ... I didn't know better ... thou part of me was going back to something I couldn't have freely as a JW ... he wasn't a JW and I was his girlfriend behind my parent's back for like 3 months (I was 15, he 17)... I didn't see him for 20 years until I met someone that knew him ... mind that then we were in El Salvador, and now we both were in USA ... it is a small world ...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I was going to say my ex but I met her in the KH, so the whle no JW thing would cover that, along with all the other JW related stuff like ignoring my parents because they were wordly.

    Quitting music

    Education, I had some opportunities to complete it.

    Business, I would have put more time and effort into it

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