An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • N.drew

    You don't imagine that our quest is exploration, but on a different plane? Jesus said "follow me". It really becomes a journey of discovery. But there is no worldly type of showing off because it is inside, personal. We can't say "see, look what I did", because it's spiritual.

  • sizemik
    And really aren't you all trying to debate us away from "delusion"?

    Of course . . . isn't that the kind and responsible thing to do? If it is in fact delusion however . . . then you cannot possibly be debated away from it. That's the nature of delusion . . . it pays no attention to logic or evidence. If it did . . . it wouldn't be delusion. That's also why there is no logical or evidential explanation for a perfectly moral, all-knowing, all-powerful god presiding over everything. It's delusional. It doesn't preclude the existence of god . . . only that one or all of those attributes is missing. Which one(s) is it?

    I'm sure using your imagination to explore your imagination is indeed a journey . . . but you will only discover what's in your imagination.

  • N.drew

    delude; to mislead the mind. That there is a judgement call.

    God is love. I wish that love will lead my mind.

    Do you believe love is not real?

  • N.drew

    Love is real.

    Order is real.

    Justice is real.

    Is righteousness real?

    I believe to believe in God means these things will come freely to me.

  • AGuest
    God is love. I wish that love will lead my mind.

    Sigh. Thank you, again, dear N.drew (and again, peace to you!)... for keeping hope alive. Do not stop, dear one. Almost as much as love and faith, we need hope.

    Again, peace to you... and may JAH bless!

    YOUR servant and fellow slave of Christ,


  • sizemik
    Love is real.
    Order is real.
    Justice is real.
    Is righteousness real?

    Righteousness to me, is the first three in action. I believe that if I pursue Love, Order, and Justice . . . they will come to me in some measure. To the extent I pursue them.

    But that's what this threads about . . . why the absence of it in a God-made world? . . . does he not pursue these things also?

  • N.drew

    God can not pursue love. God is love.

    "Righteousness to me, is the first three in action". Yes, you have a good imagination.

    But why do people keep on saying love is absent? Love, order, justice and righteousness are not absent.. But what you mean is why are they not predominate for all, all the time. I don't know. But I can venture to guess the reason is we do not choose to exercise them to our fullest potential.

  • WontLeave

    The only way to argue against ridiculous statements is ridicule, but it offends the tender psyches of the people who want so badly to believe God and Jesus have a myriad of angels at their beck and call. So, we end up with a long, drawn-out argument that sways nobody, because the entire premise of the discussion is based on an initial lie. God isn't fixing things in anyone's life.

    If you believe God is talking to you, putting your cancer in remission, getting you a job, finding you a spouse, etc...; you've gone off the deep end and are an embarrassment to theism. Please stop "helping" with your "proofs", because you make us all look like idiots. God isn't ignoring millions of starving children in Africa, just to get you out of your particular jam.

    If you believe Jesus told you he was your butler, because of something in the Bible, then you're functionally illiterate and woefully ignorant of Scripture. I don't care if you believe God is supernaturally instilling you with knowledge or if you feel you're a Bible scholar; he isnt and you're not. If you believe God is doing anything to help you with your mundane life, you've lost your mind. Anything you "preach" to that effect just piles up evidence that you are not to be listened to, because you've completely slipped off your cracker.

    And please stop with your "science". Don't lecture people about how the literal or figurative world works because of anything your pastor said or that you think you remember hearing somewhere. This entire thread is a laundry list of reasons people become atheists. For the most part, "Christians" are ignorant, stupid, and superstitious. You are doing far more harm than good for your cause, so if you care at all about anyone ever changing their minds in favor of theism, please crawl back into your ill-informed, illogical, kooky hole and stop - for the love of God - talking.

  • tec

    May I ask you a question, Won'tleave?

    Why would Christ have his disciples receive what they asked for in His name... but no one else EVER will again? Why would only his disciples be taught by the spirit, but the spirit dies with those men?

    I'm just not sure where this thinking comes from. Faith is what is required. If we see so little of the gifts of the spirit, then it is because there is so little faith in this world.

    Are there fakes and frauds out there? Of course. But should that mean there is no one with faith who receives the spirit and gifts that come with?

    How do you know what you believe is true, Won'tleave? Who are you listening to?



  • sizemik

    God can not pursue love. God is love. . . . N.drew

    Damn . . . why didn't I think of that?

    But why do people keep on saying love is absent? . . . N.drew

    N.drew . . . I used the word "absence" of these things . . . this can denote a "want or "lack" of something, and is not necessarily an absolute. Check the context.

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