An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Go it 'oh shit, I've been praying to Jesus all this time?'

  • N.drew

    Never played dominoes?

    Philosophy defined. Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge or values based on logical reasoning.

    I need to go to school for that?

  • N.drew

    BIG SIGH. Isn't it proof of God that I'm still here?

  • poopsiecakes

    Shelby, it's interesting that you named your pooch a combination of LI - the Confucian concept of ritual, and YAH - the shortened form of YAHWEH.

    carry on...

  • AGuest
    Aguest...Not calling on Jesus name???? Well that pretty much condemns the world doesn't it?

    Condemns, them, dear ST (peace to you!? I don't know if I would say THAT. But what would you LIKE me to say, as I have not been UNCLEAR on this from day one. My posts are there, perhaps for perpetuity. This is not a departure for me, not at all. Where YOU been, girl?

    It's a shame he doesn't make his name better known to more people...maybe they would stand a chance then...

    He did. As well as the Father's. "They" changed it... for the purposes of THEIR "father."

    Is it a guessing game? Get my name right or you don't get the prize?

    Not at all. It's a seeking game: seek the TRUTH... GOD'S Truth... not man's... and he WILL open to you. Anyone and everyone that seeks him. Truly. I do not lie to you about this. Here, try this, since you are unable to put faith in what I share with you: John 8:32, 36... then John 14:6.

    Given this reasoning, I would hazzard a guess to say that myelaine is pretty much screwed if this is the case, even though she does good works and believes in God.

    I wouldn't tell you to hazzard such a guess, as the Most Holy One of Israel shows mercy to whomever HE wishes to show it. I would say, though, that, the Pope, GB, Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggert, Billy Graham, the leaders of the Eastern Orthodox church, many rabbis, the Ayatollahs... Tommy... Tucker... and a whole lot of other folks "believe in God", too. And some do good works and DON'T believe in God. So what?

    Along with all the other christians who proclaim Jesus as their saviour. Guess they are no better off than an atheist.

    Again, what do you WANT me to say? That that is not the case? I cannot say that, dear one. Truly. My understanding is that they are the same, the only difference being that one professes to believe in God... and the other doesn't. Muslims profess to believe in God... yet, "christians" kill them... and vice versa. How does professing to believe in God prove anything? Demons believe, too.

    I am more and more convinced that if their truly is a god...we are nothing more than an experiment at best, or like a giant game of risk.

    You know, I cannot completely disagree with the first part of that, although I know it didn't start out that way. But, yeah, it did turn into a, "Well, let's SEE what happens" kind of "experiment. What is the theory? That man is utterly and inherently selfish and concerned ONLY with his own flesh and thus will ONLY serve God if He cares for and prospers him... and failing that man WILL curse Him to His face.

    Judging by some of the comments HERE... I would have to say that one who made that accusation was right... if I didn't know better. Praise JAH... I DO know better: just as with always, there's is ALWAYS at least ONE... who proves that Accuser to be the liar he is.

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant, truly, and a slave of Christ,


  • TheUbermensch
    Philosophy defined. Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge or values based on logical reasoning.

    Did I say to go to school for philosophy? I asked if you studied it. You can study it on your own... you realize that right? I just find it hilarious that someone who can't even piece together cohesive sentences is trying to tell us what a name means in the philosophical area of study.

    Who are some of your favorite philosophers N.Drew?

  • AGuest
    Shelby, it's interesting that you named your pooch a combination of LI - the Confucian concept of ritual, and YAH - the shortened form of YAHWEH.

    Wasn't intentional, dear Poopsie (peace, chile!). My husband and I have a blanket agreement as to almost everything (the car/house we bought, movie we see, names for our puppies)... and that is we must BOTH like it/be able to live with it. So, for example, we both threw names out until we both "liked" Louis (pronounced "Louie") for the boy (actually, it's "King Louis Ratton"... cause he looks like a large rat... and fits into my daughter's Louis Vuitton bag!). We did the same with Miss Liyah... BEFORE we got her. We thought "Leah"... but I like to change the spelling of things (which I did with my children), as "common" doesn't always do it for me. So, I spelled it "Lee-Ah" (because "Lee" is MY middle name). But I thought, nahh, that's too much and changed it to "Liyah"... when I saw it on a vanity license plate on day! I LOVED that spelling! Note, we call her Li-Li (and the boy, Lu-Lu).

    So, that's my story. And I'm stickin' to that one, too - LOLOLOL!

    Peace, dear one!

    SA, on her own...

  • Qcmbr

    ..does it matter if you pronounce the name wrongly or is it just the spelling that stops the divine responses ? What is the Japanes form of the modern English name of the eternal master of midnight parties? Why , if the name is sooooo critical, is it being revealed to a tiny ( but beautifully formed ) group of largely ex-JWs?

    I know tv ads are expensive but this is fairly important cosmically speaking ( just a thought).

    Not only was I insanely lucky enough to be born into the only true religion on the earth I also got to be , by some cosmic miracle, to be part of a forum that was chosen to be the first public unveiling of the most proper name of the Christ. Just who the heck am I? Someone special by any count. I'm all goose bumps.

  • N.drew

    Well, seeing that their good eye isn't my good eye, meaning their reality isn't my reality, I can't tell you how any other philosopher could asist me in my quest. Investigation is a type of study. I keep an eagle eye open. I have done so since as long as I can remember. I have been aided by The Bible and by the Jehovah's Witnesses. I have not studied someone else's reasoning, why would I do that? I listen to The Word, but the way the Word communicates, I can't call it studying. I look, feel and listen. I have not pushed my conclusions on anyone. You have your own eyes, ears and intellect. What is good for me might not be what is good for you. So I must say I think I don't know any philosophers. I think Shakespeare is the closest I have ever come to enjoying any type of philosophy.

  • N.drew

    Lee is my middle name!

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