Oct. 22nd Zone Meeting: Here's some facts and figures presented to ticketed-only audiences

by AndersonsInfo 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndersonsInfo

    If we weren't invited, this is the "bragging" information we missed last Saturday, Oct. 22, 2011, at the Zone Meeting with tie-in from Patterson, NY :

    59 locations tied-in plus Spanish.

    Anticipating 258,000 attendance from tickets given out

    Gary Breaux, head of US Branch that consists of US, Hawaii, AK , Bermuda, Bahamas, Turks Islands, discussed the following:

    1, 200,572 publishers with 2,563,518 at Memorial

    1,759,864 peak attendance with memorial up 69,370

    10,837 baptized in 2010

    Many people contacting WT via website

    129 RBC built 81 new KHs & did 488 remodels

    2 new assembly halls: Aurora CO and Orangeburg, SC

    45 assembly halls total now

    2 month School for Christian Couples; 1000+ applied

    4094 at US Bethel, 563 temporary volunteers

    People at Bethel from 86 countries, oldest 99.6 years

    75 members @ Bethel 50 years+; longest there 75.6 years

    300 Volunteers at Wallkill:

    3-story 300 room facility to be completed there by 2014, plus, parking garage and recreational facility.

    Patterson expansion 4-5 story building to accommodate 400-500

    250 acres in Warrick, NY will be World Headquarters

    8 new buildings + auxiliary offices, services building

    Lobby will have self-guided tour

    4 residence buildings with 500 rooms

    24,883,267 books printed

    302,000 Bibles printed each month

    10 US missionaries: Persian language. Tongon, Navajo, Hmong from SE China

    Mong translators based in Sacramento near largest population, Bethel commuters

    450 at Canadian Bethel. Branch member, Scheufelt, spoke to tied-in audience.

    One and only printing press needed: prints 100 000 magazines per hour

  • wobble

    Wow, not a word about any christian works then ?

    Something charitable?

  • designs

    I want my money back!

  • LostGeneration

    No partaker numbers? Surprise, surprise.

  • ziddina

    Thank you very much for posting this!!

  • ziddina

    Aaaaaaaaaand here we have it, folks....

    4094 at US Bethel, 563 temporary volunteers...
    People at Bethel from 86 countries, oldest 99.6 years...
    75 members @ Bethel 50 years+; longest there 75.6 years...

    Just to create the illusion that those nasty ol' apostates were LYING when they claimed that the Watchtower Corporation was dumping long-time Bethel workers onto the streets with no visible means of support, in gratitude for their many decades of selfless devotion to the Watchtower Corporation's agenda...

  • extractor

    Oops! They forgot to include how many soup kitchens were opened, homeless shelters, nursing homes?, inner-city outreaches?, disaster relief, at-risk youth programs?, food pantries?, medical research facilities?, universities?...


  • thetrueone

    Why does the WTS. never announce within their organization their own financial balances and accounts ?

    They do it at every Kingdom Hall.

    The seem to be self involved to how their publishing corporation is evolving and expanding and nothing of anything thing else.

    Maybe they are so pumped up by the hundreds of millions $$$ their getting from their Brooklyn properties, they just have to have a boasting session.

    Oops! They forgot to include how many soup kitchens were opened, homeless shelters, nursing homes?, inner-city outreaches?, disaster relief, at-risk youth programs?, food pantries?, medical research facilities?, universities?...

    Extractor, thats what those evil Satan run organizations of Christendom do........Sheesh

  • JeffT

    So it takes about 100 publishers all year to make one convert? That isn't a success rate I'd advertise.

    "Many" people contacting the WT via website? Define "many" 5? 10? How many of those contacting are not currently JW's?

    If the world is so close to ending why are they planning a building program that won't be completed for two or three years minimum?

  • Lied2NoMore

    These blowhards do nothing but keep statistics, but according to the questions from readers in the last study WT they have no way of knowing the exact number of annointed nor do they have any way to keep track, nor do they keep a network of annointed ones.


    Seems as though they get statisticly "mentally diseased" when it comes to the number of annointed.

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