Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-23-2011 WT Study (PURSUE PEACE)

by blondie 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina
    "[Blondie's comment...] "If jws are not under the Mosaic law, why does the WTS refer more often to people like Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Jehu, Isaiah, etc., than people in the first century? How many times are WT doctrines based on the Law than on what Jesus said and did? ..."

    EXCELLENT point, Blondie!!

    I think that is a characteristic of fundamentalist Christian religions/sects, in general....

    Just out of curiosity, has anyone else noticed this? The "Old Testament" contains over 800 pages of text [in an english-language version], while the "New Testament" barely contains 242 pages???? [Within the same english-language version, of course...]


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Par 1: "By contrast, Jehovah’s people are united despite the fact that they have come out of “all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.”—Rev. 7:9.

    United, what united? JW families are falling apart. Like anywhere else, many JW marriages are ending up in divorce. Two thirds of JW youth, if not more, want nothing to do with the WTBTS.

    This sad excuse of a religion has no freedom to speak on the subject of pursuing peace.

    In my congregation there are families (husbands and wives) that sit on opposite sides of the hall, seriously, and others that have gone through a divorce and others that are on the verge of divorce.


  • WTWizard

    So they are quick to act on "offending" complaints. Yet, we are supposed to forgive someone who intended to ruin our lives?

    Whether or not they like it, I am not making peace with those cockroaches that deliberately sought to sequester me from the opposite sex (making an existing problem worse), or those pigs that insisted that I was stealing from Jehovah (so what if I was, he stole from me) if I didn't pious-sneer, or that consistently find fault with every single one of my ideas to improve something. Nor is it appropriate for children to seek peace with those who abuse them and then silence them with threats of disfellowshipping. Whether this abuse is sexual molestation, regular beatings for stupid infringements on the congregation, or forcing them to waste their school vacations and study time in field circus, it represents a mean-spirited attempt on the part of such abusers to ruin their lives. And making peace only gives them more opportunity to further ruin their lives.

    As for peace in the family, I have seen quite a few incidents of these beatings and threats while I was a witless. I don't know how many times I have heard "Just wait until we get home". And, when I first went out in field circus, there was this 8 year old that was kept in field circus every day during school recess in April. I know because I was out every afternoon--and this child was out every day with his mother. They were also out all damn morning, and often they didn't go in until 4 in the afternoon or later. This is longer than if the child had been in school! Plus, they had boasting sessions to attend to. To add to that abuse, the mother frequently threatened with spankings and beatings at home. I have seen the mother administer spankings while out in field circus along with threats of worse beatings later. Peace?

  • Gorbatchov




  • ziddina

    Wow, WT Wizard...

    That poor 8-year-old!!

    And I thought I had it bad!!!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    When I was younger, there were 2 elder families that sat on opposite sides of the hall.I went to that congregation for 10 years and never saw the wives ever talk to each other or even look at each other.Imagine the energy that took, wasted energy.

    Currently there is bad blood among individual JW members and between entire families in the 100,000+ congregations. It is hidden behind fake smiles and hipocrisy. That is perhaps the main reason why so many JWs transfer from one congregation to another. There are numerous personally clashes in our hall as! Many times in plain site!

    WTBTS needs to work out the disharmony the exists among its' many members before they write articles telling the world how to pursue peace.

    Blondie, you always hit the nail on the head so to speak with your comments and research.

    Thank you.

  • BroMac

    14 When called upon to judge, how vital

    it is that elders not let themselves be

    deceived by falsehood, clever tactics, or rumors!

    God’s appointed Judge, Jesus Christ,

    judges righteously.

    So who made so called 'shepherds' into 'judges' of none judicial cases? how can it come this far if the aim is to 'pursue peace' with the bro/sis. the footnoted WT reference says the important thing is 'to gain your brother/sis'. aim to work it out between you.

    if that is not possible, remember, Jesus died to cover transgressions, including those of the 'innocent' party. not to run to the elders with tittle-tattle to cause trouble for our brothers or sisters.

    why does the elder who has 'listened' and has 'not stopped up his ear to a matter', over something small & trivial, that comes under 'conscience matters' then instead of approaching the other party and dealing with it kindly, takes it to the body of elders and escalates the 'problem' causing untold stress and worry.

    incompetence thats what it is.

  • blondie

    According to the WTS, how are elders guided by holy spirit, remember that the WTS frequently excuses the elders for their errors in judging as being “imperfect men.”

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