Anything scary happen after you left or joined another religion?

by lilbluekitty 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nugget

    no nothing scary has happened. I've been to church twice since leaving and on neither occasion was I struck with lightening.

  • TheClarinetist

    I have panic attacks when entering churches, but I haven't been to one in a while, so that might not be a problem with anymore. That's just me though. You shouldn't have any issues... The majority of American's have been to a church with no problems; the only thing really holding you back is your own fears. Have you thought about going to a Unitarian Church at first, though? The more secular nature might make the transition a little bit easier on you at first.

    Might be a good idea to do a lot of research before you jump into bed with any one particular group, though. I'm still trying to separate out my own beliefs from the things that I was taught as a JW, and I found out that a lot of things that I held dearly was a bunch of bologna. Just my two cents.

    Oh, and a belated welcome to the forum.

  • cantleave

    Strangely enough, nothing scary. All positive. All good.

    I have researched the paranormal and spirits. What is unexplained ius just that; unexplained. What is often percieved as paranormal can be explained and it is ermm - normal.

  • wobble

    Nothing scary,despite my being quite blasphemous on occasion, attending church services etc etc

    The only slightly scary aspect for some is the total freedom which brings total responsibility, when we were in the Borg we could always do the Nazi supporter thing and claim we were only following orders, once you are free you are answerable for all your actions.

    But I found that freedom so wonderful, and not scary to me at all, but I know many JW's liked to have all their thinking and decision making done for them, that type of person has to grow up all of a sudden.

  • wobble

    Nothing scary,despite my being quite blasphemous on occasion, attending church services etc etc

    The only slightly scary aspect for some is the total freedom which brings total responsibility, when we were in the Borg we could always do the Nazi supporter thing and claim we were only following orders, once you are free you are answerable for all your actions.

    But I found that freedom so wonderful, and not scary to me at all, but I know many JW's liked to have all their thinking and decision making done for them, that type of person has to grow up all of a sudden.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Jesus came to me one night with a slab of beer and we drank and talked all night.....he said: I LUUUUV YOU MAAAATE, AND I DONT WAAANT YOU TO JOIN ANOTHER CULT!" I agreed and we hugged, I gave him a friendly slap on his ass and off he went home. I found him in the morning sleeping on my lawn so I threw a bucket of water on him and he flew back to heaven......he never called!

  • IsaacJ22

    The most frightening thing that happened to me was the harassment. I had Witnesses knocking on my door (didn't help that I lived only 2 miles from the KH), leaving 50+ messages on my phone every night, hassling me at work, etc. It was unreal and it went on for a couple of years. I was actually afraid to go outside!

    If this happened today, I'd just go to the cops. Back then, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with this religion. Was I going to come back? Was I done? I didn't know. That made me a little uneasy as well.

  • Rocky_Girl

    As described before by other posters, the scariest thing that I encountered was the overwhelming freedom. Sort of like a canary that won't leave its cage when the door is left open. When you grow up with all the answers and the assurance that you are correct, it is hard to accept that some questions go unanswered and even the most enlightened people have to admit that belief is based on faith and not facts. In fact, the most enlightened will be wise enough to admit it readily. I have been to all sorts of churches and synagogues and have never experienced anything scary as a result.

    Unfortunately, it seems as though you have a fear of the supernatural, which is common in many fundie faiths like JWs. Try to work through your fears before getting into another religion so you don't get sucked in to another fear-driven cult. God, if S/He exists, doesn't need your membership card to the "correct" church to know you are a good person, just a good look at your heart.

    Hang in there and take a deep breath. No need to rush things. Be happy that you are free and explore when you feel ready. Feel free to PM if you want to chat.



    Aside from JW relatives that wouldn`t shut the eff up..Nothing..


  • rebel8

    Once I stopped believing in magical things, magical things stopped happening to me.

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