You people do good work

by irondork 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • irondork

    The roomie is OUT!

    She started out understanding why I left and she was supportive of my decision but she still believed the WTS to have the truth. I understood how she felt. I was there. But slowly and methodically I would bring up points that I was learning here on the forum and in Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom and I could see her wheels turning.

    She would never pick up either of the two books to even browse through them. Often, on my way to bed, I would leave one sitting on the coffee table opened to a point we had just discussed and I would notice it untouched the next morning. She would not object to me reading her a segment directly from the book but she would try to argue down the point every time. I was very patient and made myself not get excited or let the conversation dissolve into a heated debate. In time, her attempts to defend the organization disappeared.

    So many turning points in her approach to our conversations. It was wonderful watching her have one “ah-ha” moment after another until last night she admitted that she had been “duped by the organization.”

    The main things that got her were:

    - Spirit anointed claims of a body that relies on a 2/3 vote for policy. I told her about the alternative service for conscientious objectors being offered by many countries but the witness brothers are still in prison because although a majority of the GB voted in favor of allowing alternative service, it wasn’t quite 2/3.

    - The identities of the faithful and discreet slave class are not even known or their whereabouts recorded, let alone their counsel sought in participation of the feeding program. I read her the portion from In Search where Franz details a zone visit(?), having meetings with so many people about so many things except other members of the slave class.

    - She saw how some of the elders treated me even after my reinstatement due to the gay issue and she was repelled by that anyway. Like most, she chalked it up to imperfect men. But with that as her attention-getter, the self righteous claims of spirit-directedness accompanied by clear misapplication of scriptures (primarily the shunning thing) rendered her unable to fight for the almighty organization

    In the meantime, we keep having our bible reading and discussion together twice a week and our occasional conversations about whatever I am reading in the moment in In Search. She’s asking questions about how we should format our worship from here on because she “does NOT want to go to one of those other churches.” I assure her that we will develop it as we go and I’m confident Jehovah will steer us in a direction he finds acceptable.

    Just so you know, I have plagiarized so much of ya’lls material from this site and I intend to continue shamelessly. Your contributions to this forum have helped me help my best friend. With so many different points of view and experiences, you have not only brought topics of interest to the table but you have helped me develop tailor-made avenues of argumentation that I knew she would respond to.

    I used to think some of you old timers hanging on this forum after so many years away from the organization were just bitter, angry old hags that needed to get a life. It didn’t take long to recognize my error and the value you folks bring to the rest of us. You helped save another one today.

    All my gratitude!


  • sizemik

    Nice post irondork . . .

    Thanks for posting. Give some credit to yourself . . . you've done well.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    That's great, but I have one question, sorry if it's been answered before, but...

    If you were both JWs at some stage, and she's STILL a JW (until now), how is it that she's still living under the same roof as you? I realise you are gay, but even to JWs that isn't a good enough excuse for a unmarried guy and gal living in the same place together.

  • irondork

    Back in the when, THE WOMAN and I decided to be roommates. When I began seeking reinstatement, the elders told me my living arrangement was not acceptable as it might offend the god-fearing heteros. Wanting to humble myself to their superior wisdom, knowledge and experience, I asked THE WOMAN if she wanted to have a marriage of convenience. She agreed and I told her then if she ever wanted to marry a REAL huzzzband, just say the word and we'll annul the arrangement - on the condition that I get to be maid of honor.

    So it was, so it is. She's my best friend and we probably will grow old together in the same house anyway so the details are irrelevant at this point.

  • mouthy

    Thanks for sharing Irondork....Nice post
    But I think I am the only old hag on board.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Well that's an unorthodox arrangement but sounds like it works for you! Congrtulations on opening your friend's mind.

  • GLTirebiter
    So it was, so it is. She's my best friend and we probably will grow old together in the same house anyway so the details are irrelevant at this point.

    That means you're doing better than many couples--in particular, being able to talk and really listen to each other.

    In other words, you do good work too--she'd probably still be "in", if not for your good influence!

  • cult classic
    cult classic
    She's my best friend and we probably will grow old together in the same house

    That is as beautiful an arrangement as any.

    Best of luck to you both. Thanks for sharing.

  • facebeauty

    Yup, that is amazing.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Thanks Irondork for explaining your situation. I think you've explained it before so apologies for my bad memory.

    What you have sounds like a great arrangement for any two single people who aren't romantically involved. And it's even better that she's leaving the JWs too!

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