Does the Issue of Universal Sovereignty make sense to you as an explanation for evil?

by gubberningbody 233 Replies latest jw friends

  • N.drew

    1 Timothy 2:4

    It is God's will that all will desire to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

    Truth matures. And the person's ability to understand truth matures. I am talking about

    generations of people. It means all people.

    Do you not know there are people who wish not to be saved?

    Do you know there are many more who do not know it is possible?

    Do you think Almight God should cure all the people? Or some of the people?

    If God gives a person health and with it might (strength) will that healed person use his power to do bad?

    If God gives us the means to provide clean energy for the world will it be misused?

    You wish to judge, but you don't even understand.

    I think I'm wandering now I shall say so long!

  • tec
    You can't explain the delay

    I did:

    He will do this... but He will not hurt the innocent. Nor forsake any of those who belong to Him (through His son, and those who His Son said would enter the kingdom because of the good they did to even the least of his brothers) have been

    called out (of whatever dark

    place they are in). He knows the time to do this. We do not.

    N.Drew makes a good point, that I have tried to make as well. If you stop one sort of evil, then you must stop them all, right? How many people do you love who would have to be 'stopped' if God were to act right now. His delay is an act of mercy.



  • AGuest
    I am assuming you are being perfectly honest about the in and out between physical and spirit.

    I am absolutely being perfectly honest, dear N.drew (again, peace to you!).

    But this is the first time I ever heard of it.

    Yes, I understand.

    Of course then, I disagree, which I am free to do.

    You are certainly free to disagree, dear one. However, I am curious: are you disagreeing because you know/think it to be untrue... or because you've never heard of it before?

    I guess. If it is true, I am not there yet.

    Again, I understand. Unfortunately, while my Lord will sometimes direct me to go back and help others "up" to where he has brought ME... he never directs me to dismiss what he has told/shown me that has gotten me there. So, please indulge me, if you can, when I share things that perhaps you may not have been told, yet. I am more than willing to show you where it is "written", though, if you wish/need.

    The white robes, I believe, picture accurate knowledge of The Word.

    By "The Word," I assume you mean the Bible, yes? If that's so, then I understand. I think many believe that. It's not true... but many do believe that. Personally, I not only think that it doesn't make sense, but that it would kind of a feat for the great crowd to be standing before the throne of God "dressed in [an accurate knowledge of the Bible]". And a bit burdensome for the sheep to be given [an accurate knowledge of the Bible] in order to enter into and "inherit" the kingdom. Even more so, a bit weird for those those currently lying under the altar (and so have already died, some before there even WAS a Bible) and only awaiting resurrection... to be given [an accurate knowledge of the Bible] and told to go back to sleep and "rest a little longer."

    When I saw the assembly standing before the throne, however (when my Lord showed me what the little flames over the heads of those present at the outpouting of holy spirit during Pentecost 30 CE were), they were all "dressed"... in "white robes". Those "robes" weren't garments made of fabric, however; they were the bodies that these occupied - bodies that were "white" because they were clean... undefiled... without sin and/or death in them. Not only that, they couldn't HOLD sin (sickness, disease, aging) OR death IN them. They were "incorruptible." It as a wonderful, fascinating vision...

    I understand the mourning to be related to the Kingdom, not to the world.

    Other than when my Lord was impaled... when no one was found worthy to open the seals... when one of the holy ones is persecuted/killed... or when someone gives the Adversary rise to taunt the Most Holy One of Israel... there isn't much mourning in the kingdom, dear one. Whatever mourning there IS... is usually due to something occurring HERE. There, there is MUCH rejoicing... because the Adversary and HIS angels no longer reside there. The "woe"... is for the physical realm... because that one has cast from THERE... to HERE.

    Thank you for coming back to reply! Peace!

    You are quite welcome. Please keep in mind that while I sometimes fail to answer questions because (1) I don't see them, or (2) I perceive them as rhetorical... there is a third reason: I realize that the person asking may NOT be where I am... and so not able to receive what I would share. In such instances, I look to my Lord to guide me. Because sometimes I don't always know, on my own... whether it's a time to speak... or a time to remain quiet. And those "times" sometimes depend upon what the one asking can "bear."

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant, sister, and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Why is it upon God to stop man from doing evil (peace to you, dear Gubber)? Why can't/doesn't man stop himself? Or stop his fellowman? How can man deny God, curse Him, say He doesn't exist, call Him weak, puny, cowardly... tell Him that they don't want Him to guide them but want to guide themselves... and then say, "He ALLOWS it"?

    Allows what? Man... to BE man? But man IS man. Why SHOULDN'T God allow him to be what he IS? Should we run around trying to stop lions from being lions? Wolves from being wolves? Sharks from being sharks? Scorpions from being scorpions?

    Wait. Man doesn't HAVE to do evil, does he? No, unlike the others man can CHOOSE. Yes? So... rather than crying to God to "fix" man... God who doesn't exist, who doesn't care, who's a weak, puny coward... who "we" don't want or NEED... why don't WE fix it?

    Simple: because while some of us would at least try... many more wouldn't bother. Indeed, "survival" instincts WOULD take over... and we'd generally be nothing more than beasts ourselves.

    There might be more "good" people in the world than "evil" - unfortunately, the "evil" tend to have the most ammunition.

    The Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... who some refer to as "God"... hasn't promised to help/save everyone. Never has. Only those with whom He has COVENANTED to help/save. Not in that arrangement? You're pretty much on your own... or at the mercy of whatever "god" it is you DO serve/recognize. Since most fall into the latter category... there is a very good reason why they don't hear... or see... anything spiritual.

    I'm just sayin'...

    Peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • N.drew

    Thank you for taking the time!

    No, The Word is Jesus, but it is believing in Jesus that causes and understanding of the word, which is, I believe, the Bible. For me it means my revelation as I have them is reinforced by the word in the bible, but not as it is translated, but as it was written (in Hebrew or Greek). I don't know how to understand those languages, but I use the interlinear and study the meaning. It cause a "two witness" rule, it becomes unshakeable.

    I will ask you for scriptural evidence of the spiritual thing you were talking about. Nothing comes to mind.

    Matthew 5:3-12 (sermon on the mount 9 happinesses) can be arranged side by side with Matthew 6:9-13 (Our Father prayer). That is why I say "mourn" coincides with "let your Kingdom come". I do not admit it means anything, it might be my over active imagination. But I believe the two scriptures might be comunicating the same thing.

  • gubberningbody
  • gubberningbody

    Tec, Aguest, N. Drew

    I'm sure you don't think it, but you all appear to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, and your captor is your God

  • N.drew

    Why in the ever loving world would we want to be freed from the household of God? You are making no sense at all. And my computer has no sound, so I don't watch youtube usually. God never tormented me. What is your point? We should go over to the other thread where I may get rude. Cause I think I feel like getting rude.

  • gubberningbody

    There are so many varieties of religious belief

  • N.drew

    I think the theme of the thread is:

    Does evil exist so that human kind will come to the realization that to obey God The Sovereign is the only reasonable way to go?

    That is the issue raise by some theologians, but not all.

    I believe evil was caused by an accident, that might not have happened if it were not for human error, not God error. Jehovah did not cause evil. And Jehovah can end evil, but for now that is not what people wish for. Humans will not let go of something that gives power for evil ends. There are a few who would wish for it's end in spite of themselves. How do I know? Because there is still evil. It's not a difficult equation. Not rocket science, as they say.

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