Does the Issue of Universal Sovereignty make sense to you as an explanation for evil?

by gubberningbody 233 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm


    I would think that would depend on what the "voice of God" had said to you.

    And of course THAT view I would have would also depend on the preconcieved notions I have about God and what I beleive God would say to a person.

    okay, suppose the voice give the person a message which you judge to be in overall agreement with your ideas about what the bible says, and that the person should treat other people well and so on.

  • tec

    of often obtuse text.

    Obtuse to you... and perhaps some others. But then there are others who understand every word written down. She is just sharing what she knows. If someone else were to do that about history (Leo), or philosphy/critical thinking (Terry), or Bohm (mathematics and physics), or silly volcano god (Zid), or any number of people who are strongly outspoken on evolution... would it still be preaching, or just asserting one's knowedge or understanding? Do you think that the only thing that makes it 'preaching' , perhaps, is that it is about Christ and God?

    okay, suppose the voice give the person a message which you judge to be in overall agreement with your ideas about what the bible says, and that the person should treat other people well and so on.

    Replace the bolded part with love, Christ or God... then I would have no reason at all to argue, and would just be happy for the person. If it is not in conflict with anything that Christ taught, then great... why couldn't it have come from Him?



  • Qcmbr

    I wasn't referring to anyone in particular ;) I've written some stinking large pieces of verbiage.

  • EntirelyPossible

    This thread is why some people put whiskey in their morning coffee. You have to get a little cross-eyed to bring these things into focus.

  • gubberningbody

    A-Guest - your posting style is like this

    Not quite as creepy, but still that creepy edge is really there

  • tec

    I wasn't referring to anyone in particular ;) I've written some stinking large pieces of verbiage.

    Thanks for that. Me too, btw. Sometimes I'm just responding with all my thoughts, and then I hit send, and then I see the size of it, and then I do this:

    Then I shrug and think, well, what can you do?



  • gubberningbody

    tec - learn to differentiate the A - answer vs the B answer. That way you leave room for others to join in.


  • AGuest
    Your writing style is similar to people suffering from graphorrhea/graphomania.

    Ah, yes, yet another armchair "diagnosis." Well, since one definition of "graphomania" is "the passion/urge to write," I guess I can live with that description, dear Gubber (peace to you!). I must disagree that I suffer from "graphorrhea" (i.e., "a symptom of motor excitement exhibited as continual and incoherent writing"), however... as my writing, while perhaps verbose and prose-y... is actually quite coherent. Not to you, perhaps, but then, that's on you. It could be your aversion to reading anything lengthier than 1 or 2 lines is the problem. Probably had problems with that in school, yes? God forbid the teacher ask you to read anything beyond "See Jane run." I didn't have that problem, however. In fact, lengthy readings were never an issue for me; I actually prefer the 3-4 inch thick novel to the grocery store tabloid (you know, where you don't really HAVE to read... but only persue the pictures... like in the "Dick and Jane" books?).

    Even so, I would much prefer to be... ummmmmm... wordy... and saying SOMETHING... than respond to someone with silly ad hominems because I actually have NOTHING to say... or any clue as to what THEY said (i.e., "What you said is SO over my head and I SO don't get it that YOU must be "stoopid".) Personally, I think it better in such cases (where I DON'T have a clue) to remain silent (you know, and thought a fool on the matter)... than to open my mouth and remove all doubt. As you have here.

    Out of MY heart's abundance MY mouth/fingers speak/type... and so all can see what's IN there. Likewise, we ALL can now see what's in YOURS, dear Gubber... based on what just came out of it. Personally, I don't think there's much to compare.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest
    I wasn't referring to anyone in particular ;) I've written some stinking large pieces of verbiage.

    Good "save," dear Q (peace to you!)... or was it?


    SA, on her own... wondering why people aren't at least honest with themselves, if not others, and marvelling as to those who often start out trying to convince others of their great "intelligence" only to often deteriorate into puerile, childish behavior when they don't understand something... or when things... including internet discussions... aren't seeming to go "their" way...

  • AGuest
    This thread is why some people put whiskey in their morning coffee.

    Alcoholism is why some people put whiskey in their morning coffee, dear EP (the greatest of love and peace to you, my bruh!). "A bit of the hair"... and all that...

    You have to get a little cross-eyed to bring these things into focus.

    Or calm the shakes/stop the trembles, etc., which not only assists with focus... but allows one to drive (you know, to work) and such. Make breakfast without burning the toast. Kiss the kids and send them off to school... with clothes on. All that "mundane" stuff...

    But one really should try not having whiskey before bed, dear one. A little warm milk, perhaps. And without the rum, yes. Then no need for "hair" in the morning. You know?

    Peace... and speedy detoxing!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


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