A Woman, A Woman - Oh What Can She Be?

by LoneWolf 151 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • N.drew

    She is making it SOUND like she is being bullied. Meangirl is not being bullied. She is having a temper tantrum.

    You know what meangirl? You should have started your own thread, your ranting here is only leading to hurt feelings.

    Oh evolution you are doing a very poor job. I'm scared , are you?

  • meangirl

    If having a temper tantrum is standing up for what I believe and not backing down then guilty as charged. I never said I was being bullied. Jay88 just made an observation and offered support.

    Having a bad day N.Drew? and don't say you aren't.....Hang in there.

  • N.drew

    Are you being S A R C A S T I C ? I think I should, but I won't, start a thread about how bad sarcasm is.

    I was going to say "I'll miss you meangirl", but instead you have me a little confused.

    Confusion ought also to be against the law, don't you think?

  • mrsjones5

    If they don't like it, they should ignore it!

    that's very good advice jay, now can little mean girl (cuz she's shown herself to be a little girl) follow that good advice. Time will only tell but I highly doubt it. :D

    P.S. Meany, I am the mother of a 14 year old girl and of course I would not want my daughter to marry when she turns 15 nor would I allow a man 5 years her senior to court her for marriage but I have a hard time faulting my grandfather or my uncles for doing the same 50+ years ago because times were different then. Neither my grandfather or my uncles were/are pedophiles. You are so out of your depth here but it's entertaining to watch you jabber on and on about something you quite plainly know nothing about and frankly is none of your business. Keep beating that dead horse little girl.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Lonewolf....your story is lovely...I didn't miss the point, thats why I added

    He appreciates that they are women and loves their 'womanliness' but he also enjoys their successes other than motherhood.

    It is clear to ME that you see woman as much more than child bearers and housekeepers...I think your daughters are very fortunate to have a father like you, and a mother that has taught her daughters to be strong, independent women.

    I have an 18 year old daughter, she lives with her boyfriend who is 26, at HIS parents house for the last year. Do I like that? Not really...but due to a father that was a non participant during her upbringing, and turned out to be vengeful in her early teenage years and undermined everything I tried to do. She has been left with a sense of low self worth. Fortunately, her boyfriend is a reasonably nice guy....although a bit controlling. I am still trying to encourage her to not isolate herself, to keep in touch with friends and trying to put ideas in her head about travel etc...because all his friends are starting to have babies and settle down. I really don't want that for my daughter at 18, but I believe she has a bit more sense than that. My feelings are that the relationship will fizzle out eventually and all I can do is reiterate that she can always come home.

    Fathers are vital in girls lives...I believe a lack of their input leads to issues of low self esteem in girls, I know myself that a lack of a father figure was detrimetal in my life, hense me marrying a man 20 years my senior...now I'm with a man 5 years younger....whos the cradle snatcher now LOL (disclaimer: that was a joke for anyone who wants to make an issue of him being younger)

  • AGuest
    The facts show it.

    What "facts", dear MG (again, peace to you!)? Certainly not the U.S. Census, as set forth in the Vital Statistics Report of the United States for 1960, published by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsus/mgdv60_3.pdf). Per that report:

    "... the largest number of single brides were under 20 years of age and of single grooms were 20-24 years. The greatest number of divorced persons of both sexes were 25-29 years, and the greatest number of those widowed were brides 45-49 years and grooms 65 years and over." (Emphasis mine.) See, Page I-6.

    "The percent of all brides under age 20 increased from 31 in 1951 to 39 in 1960; for grooms the increase was from 8 to 13 percent. This trend was more marked for first marriages. The percent of first married brides under 20 years of age increased from 39 in 1951 to 49 in 1960, while that for grooms increased from 11 in 1951 to 17 in 1960." (Emphasis mine.)See, page I-9.

    The "facts" you are referring to are actually a sampling of "16 selected states," dear one (see Figure 1-3 on Page I-9). Since there were 50 states at the time, your statistics only represent, what, 32% of the total statistics? I think it's safe to say that Oregon wasn't included in those "facts".

    For more detail, please feel free to check out the "facts" shown in Tables 2-6 through 2-9 on (pdf) pages 41-44. I think you might find that you don't really have a clue as to what was "normal" in 1960.

    Now, do I think it was right? For me, it would depend on several factors, including a girl's prospects in the world... and what I was able to do to contribute to them. However, there is SO much water under this particular "bridge"... that you really ARE making yourself look quite silly. No one's arguing with you that the age difference is a disparity; however, your taking issue with it NOW... in light of the topic, intent, and purpose THIS thread and the circumstances that exist NOW... and, most importantly, in the manner you ARE... NOW... is ridiculous. That you cannot see that... even more so.

    Given how you have approached this... and directed your "blows" at the OP (again, peace to you!)... I MUST assume that you were never a JW. Because if you were... but aren't NOW... you really have no grounds to stand on, here. Not really. Because there are folks out there who might want to hold YOU accountable for your one-time stance on blood... given the number of folks who literally DIED due to that belief [at the time].

    Even if not, I would say to you... in light of your being so appalled and utterly chagrined at dear LW's conduct 50 years ago... I truly hope that you are without sin. Otherwise, you're a hypocrite and, IMHO, just as "bad", if not worse.

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant, still... and a slave of Christ,


  • Twitch

    Saucer of milk anyone?


  • AGuest

    Hmmm... interesting observation/comment, dear Twitch (peace to you!). May I ask: why is it that when boyz "disagree" on a matter... even to the point where they start "hosing" down the place with their respective "insults"... it's par for the course... but when women discuss and disagree... even vehemently... they're thought to be "catty"? Personally, I think your comment only goes to bolster what dear MG appears to think about some of youse boyz. Yes, yes, I know: next, you'll accuse one (or both) of us of being on the ra... well, you get my drift. Nothing could be further from the truth. Certainly not with regard to me, anyway.


    SA, on her own... and still sort of marvelling just a bit over that comment...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    AGuest....I'm still marvelling over your comment....LOL

    YOUR servant, still... and a slave of Christ,

    Just kidding

  • N.drew

    AGuest? It is not just the men who see cats fighting. I actually thought so myself. Sorry dear, peace. I love your posting. I hope you stay as long as I do. Vision is refreshing to see!

    (I will miss this crazy mess.)

    Thanks be to LoneWolf. You and your family are wonderful! It was a pleasure to hear your story.

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