Mommy, I don't want to play blood count limbo anymore, it hurts

by zengalileo 13 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    My Mother is not a JW and we faought long and hard to maintain her blood count. I learned alot about blood and most of all, how full of crap the WT&BTS is with their science and blood. To allow someone, a minor to suffer this stand is criminal within itself. I don't understand why there isn't child endangerment charges against those who play blood count limbo with their children and lose

  • zengalileo

    I wrote this after participating in a discussion on (I invite all exJWs to go on that site and read the forum posts. I promise a vomit - filled afternoon if you do, som bring some anti nausea medication if you go there.) This is a fictional story of course, but it is based on a REAL situation that a JW mother was going through. Her doctor really did say he was going to get a court ordered transfusion if her daughter's blood count wne t below 6. Then she went on and conversed with their so-called "experts" like Jan B. Wade, who never even finished high school and has never worked in the medical field yet claims the title of "Medical Health Professional." The a doctor named Malak, his real name, posted and boasted that some children have gone as low as 1.5, where they are put ion a chemically induced coma until blood counts rise. This woman subsequently quit her doctor and moved her child to another hospital that would allow her blood count to plung even lower. No word lastely on whether her child is still alive, but it would be great if a bunch of JWNers logged on to and updated us. I eventually got kicked off the forum due to making statements about how safe blood actually is.

    again realize that may cause severe vomiting reactions. it is truly the most disgusting site on JW issues. Prep yourself.

  • zengalileo

    A new version of the Dear Mommy story:

    “Mommy, Have I Suffered Enough For Jehovah Yet?”

    (“Mommy, I don’t want to play Blood Count Limbo anymore.”)

    Dear Mommy,

    Having cancer hurts. I hurt all the time. It used to be better, in the beginning. I could breathe then. But then the doctor started talking about numbers. Do you remember that Mommy? I remember I was a 12.5. Then I was a 10. Then I was a 7.5 and I couldn’t breathe the same anymore. I would take a deep breath, but it just wasn’t the same as before. I felt like I was breathing but I wasn’t getting any air. My stomach would go up and down, and I just wanted more air all the time. That’s when it really started to hurt, Mommy. Does Jehovah want me to hurt like this Momma? If I don’t hurt anymore, will He still let me into the New System?


    At this point in the story, pretnd you are the mother of this child. If you want to relieve your little girl of pain, allow her to breathe again and save her life, simply press the GIVE HER THE BLOOD TRANSFUSION NOW button here (*) and stop reading the article, knowing it is a happy ending for your daughter; she has been saved, and she still will make it into the paradise with no negative spiritual consequences to you or her, in God’s eyes, and the congregation will not disfellowship either of you.

    If you do not want to give her the blood tranfusion now, press the REFUSE BLOOD TRANSFUSIONbutton (#) and make your daughter suffer more and longer, and read on.


    (The story continues…)

    That’s when you and the doctor started playing Limbo. I want to tell you Mommy, I don’t like it when you play Limbo with my air. The doctor said that if I got to 6 he would give me a blood transfusion and I would be able to breathe again. For a second I was happy, cuz I really wanted to breathe again. But then I remembered Jehovah doesn’t like people who take blood transfusions. So I got sad again.

    The doctor started threatening to get a court order to transfuse. And I was happy, cuz then I could breathe but it wouldn’t be my fault or my Mommy’s fault. Jehovah would just be mad at the judge and the doctor then. But mommy, remember? You said, “Well he seems fine. (I felt terrible) Let’s see if he can go a little lower.” And I remember the doctor said my number was a six. Then it was a 5 and I thought for sure you would give in. I was gasping for breath and I felt woozy all over. But you said, “No doctor. It’s not time yet. Let’s see if he can go any lower. He seems fine.” Mommy, why are you torturing me? It hurts when you play the Limbo game, mommy.


    Your daughter’s blood count is now a 6. If you want to relieve your little girl of pain, allow her to breathe again and save her life, simply press the GIVE HER THE BLOOD TRANSFUSION NOW button here (*) and stop reading the article, knowing it is a happy ending for your daughter; she has been saved, and she still will make it into the paradise with no negative spiritual consequences to you or her, in God’s eyes, and the congregation will not disfellowship either of you.

    If you do not want to give her the blood tranfusion now, press the REFUSE BLOOD TRANSFUSIONbutton (#) and make your daughter suffer more and longer, and read on.


    (The story continues…)

    I wanted to tell you mommy, why couldn’t we let the doctor give me blood when I was a number 6? Now I am a number 3 and you keep telling the doctor you will sue, or take me to some other hospital if he tries to give me blood. Mommy, isn’t Jehovah happy I have suffered as long as I have? Mommy, I’m not sure I want to live anymore. I want to see you and daddy still, but won’t I be happiuer in the New System anyway? Mommy, I want to die. I can’t breathe and everything hurts.

    2.5. Am I winning at Limbo now Mom? Mo.. mommy.. (cough) It’s really har.. hard to th.. think now. Mm. I can’t .. I want my l… last word to be.. Je…(gasp) ho.. vah. He must be happy with me now that I’ve made it all the way down to 2.5. But the new doctor, Dr. Malak, came in smiling and happy today, saying, “Don’t worry, I had a patient go all the way down to 1.5. We just put him in a chemically induced coma and eventually he came back. He is alive today, with only minor neurological damage.” Mommy, I am not sure what that means, but Mommy, I don’t like the new doctor. When will this game be over? When will I have suffered long enough to make Jehovah happy? Mommy, why is it so hard to make Jehovah happy? Is he happier when I am being tortured than when I feel good? Why does Jehovah love to see me suffer?

    Mom.. jus.. one.. more thing.. I can’t think straight and they are going to put me in one of those comas. But I don’t know.. maybe the next time I see you it will be the N.. New Sys….Sist.. mmm. I just want to tell you one more thing.. before they put me under.. Mommy don’t do this to Jack, my little bro.. If he needs a blood transfusion just give it to hi…. (gasp) him. I think Jehovah wants Jack to not suffer. I don’t like suffering. And I hate it when you play the “How low can he go?” game. I hope I suffered enough to make Jehovah happy.. Goo.. G’ bye M… Mom………………………….

  • zengalileo

    In this version, one has to actually push an imaginary button to decide to make their daughter suffer more. I wonder how many JWs, if it were set up that way in real life, would actually push a button labeled "MAKE YOUR DAUGHTER SUFFER MORE NOW BY PUSHING THIS BUTTON." It sort of changes things when there is a button or lever that is labeled very clearly, and only by pushing it or pulling the lever will you make your daughter, not just die, but... SUFFER.... SUFFOCATE.... CRY OUT IN PAIN... SCREAM. If people starving of blood were able to scream and shriek while they are suffocating, and all their organs are shutting down because they don't have enough oxygen, including the brain, which actually may be creating a dizzy, confused paranoia due to lack of oxygen.... What does it feel like to die of blood starvation? It's like a slow suffocation. A person literally suffocates to death. Also there is extreme thirst. A little like being in hell and asking God for just a drop of water... But, Mommy, who is playing God, says, "No child, God wants you to be this thirsty and gasping for breath. If you just suffer long enough, Jehovah will be happy with you. But only if you maintain.

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