Heresy of the Month

by thinker 87 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ZazuWitts

    It's Larc posing as Zazu again, and no I am not wearing one of her dresses.

    This is another dose of comic relief. Warning: somewhere in the middle I made a long post that got recorded nine times due to technical difficulties. Just scroll past it.

  • thinker

    Well everyone, it's been a long time; but TW and I are still practicing our "daily baptismals". I highly recommend it to all !! I have no doubt that it enriches our relationship greatly. No matter what else is going on in our lives we have this short time in the tub to look forward to. It's a time when there are no outside distractions, just one-on-one conversation and laughter.
    I'm curious, has anyone else been practicing this? Isn't it about time you start? And don't forget the post-baptismal celebration!

    CEO & Co-founder
    Leaning Tower Bath and Shower Society

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    I've come to back Thinker up!! The family that practices bathing together. Stays together. We are living proof.
    Wherefore art thou Brother Larc? We need your experience to validate this!!

  • larc

    Sister Thinkers Wife,

    I know you and your husband are faithful followers of the shower ritual and for that I am proud. You have also worked the path to thinness, and for this you are blessed. Having said this, it is not for you, the believer, that I have spoken, but for the new and unwashed and possibly unthin, like Hillory and Maximus who need a touch of humor in their lives.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Dear Brother Larc,
    I have seen Hillary's sense of humor. Very amusing!! Anything we can do to help is offered!!

  • larc

    Brothern and Cistern,

    I have reserrected this thread for the new members of the flock, so they can receive of these spiritual truths.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    I bow to you Brother Larc, your powers amaze me!! Thank you Oh Great One!!!!!

  • larc

    brought back for the new folks - hope you enjoyed this.

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