Soooo... "Brother" Daniel and "Sister" Pat, Just Left...

by AGuest 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Again, I am glad that what I stated resounded with you, dear LITS. I often wish it would do so with more... but totally understand that it doesn't, won't... and why.

    Peace to you... and your household!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • WontLeave

    JWs believe that only other churches have "proof texts" that they focus on to the exclusion of the rest of Scripture. Over and over again, I have shoved Bible verses in their faces that - for some odd reason - they seem to have never seen before, even after insisting they have read the Bible from cover to cover many times. I even had one say they read the Bible once a year in their Bible reading. So as not to let on about my "wolf in sheep's clothing" status, I opted not to call him out on that little falsehood. 4 pages of the Bible a week hardly gets one through it in a year. Just like every church, JWs use the Bible as a prop and actually pay it little mind. The church leaders are the real creators of doctrine.

    For a group who insisted "Religion is a snare and a racket!", they sure have become what they claimed to hate, quite nicely. They have a unique and mandatory doctrine, a power structure and methods for wielding that power, a complex and bloated hierarchy, vast financial holdings, even a symbol by which they are recognized (the Watchtower icon/idol). How exactly are they different?

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