It's BACK - the 2011 Global Survey of JWs!!

by cedars 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • Diest

    I did mine. Id rather a slot for faders rather than click inactive.

  • foundlife

    I am so glad this is still going. I think facebook will help me direct more people to the survey. I know of entire familys that have left in the last 5 years. So many young ones are just thrown away like trash. The youth are giving up. They need to know that there is life outside the borg.

  • cedars

    Thanks for all the kind comments of support, and the feedback is always useful too.

    We're now on 593 responses - I wonder can we make it over the 600 mark before I publish the results to date?

  • MeanMrMustard

    @cedars: I also appreciate the information and effort. I took the survey the first time around, but I am hoping that more take it! Keep posting the stats updates, as you did above. That was very nice to look over, especially the beliefs/practices section.



  • cedars

    Hi MeanMrMustard, thanks very much for your support! Hopefully the stats will get more and more interesting as the number of respondents grow. I'm really hoping we can atleast make it into the thousands before the end of the year.


  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Way to go cedars! Great job!


  • cedars

    We're on 598 now, I'm just waiting for two more responses and then I'll publish the results so far!

  • cedars

    2011 Global Survey of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    Results as of 5 th October 2011 (87 days remaining)

    Number of respondents: 600

    Current status of respondents:





    Never baptized…….7.8%…..47

    “Calling” of respondents:


    Great Crowd…………33.5%…..133


    Note, of the 14 who claimed to be of the anointed, 6 are active witnesses.

    Reasons for leaving organization:

    I broke a bible command……………………….8.6%…..26

    I went against the policies of JWs………..14.6%…..44

    I disagreed with the teachings of JWs….70.5%…..213

    I would rather not say……………………………6.3%…..19

    Positions of respondents:

    Ministerial Servants…………………….6%…..30…..(17 are active)

    Elders…………………………………………..3.6%…..18…..(9 are active)

    Circuit Overseers………………………..0.0%…..0…..(0 are active)

    District Overseers……………………….0.2%…..1…..(1 is active)

    Branch Committee Members………0.0%…..0…..(0 are active)

    Gilead graduates / missionaries…0.0%…..0…..(0 are active)

    MTS (or BSSB) graduates………….0.8%…..4…..(1 is active)

    Bethel volunteers……………………….1%…..5…..(1 is active)

    Regular pioneers………………………..3.6%…..18…..(9 are active)

    Special pioneers…………………………0.2%…..1…..(1 is active)

    None of the above……………………..89.1%…..449…..(60 are active)

    Beliefs/practices disagreed with (most contentious in bold):


    Blood transfusions………………………………………………88.1%…..527

    Paedophilia – judicial matter rather than crime.92.6%…..554

    Paedophiles not barred from serving as elders…82.4%…..493

    Paedophiles – two witness rule………………………….88.6%…..530

    Paedophiles - names kept confidential……………..85.3%…..510

    Bible prophecy…………………………………………………….82.8%…..495

    Governing Body as God’s sole channel……………..90.5%…..541

    Governing Body – no contact with remnant……..75.1%…..449

    Increasing light concept……………………………………..89.8%…..537

    Stance on higher education…………………...94.8%…..567

    Stance on extra-curricular sports……………………….88.3%…..528

    Only anointed partake of emblems…………………….63.5%…..380

    Treatment of women…………………………………………..75.1%…..449




    Apostates = mentally diseased…………………………..90.0%…..538

    Fall of Jerusalem in 607 BCE………………………………83.3%…..498

    Christ only a mediator for 144,000……………………80.9%…..484


    Others not mentioned………………………………..………29.3%…..175

    Agree with Governing Body*………………….………….2.2%…....13

    *Of the 13 who ticked that they agreed with the Governing Body, 8 appear to be genuine, based on their other entries on the survey. 5 evidently ticked the box mistakenly.

    The UN / NGO Scandal:

    Knew about it………..73.7%…..435

    Didn’t know…………….26.4%..…156

    Of the 156 who said they didn’t know, 18 were active publishers.

    All comments are subject to review and will be posted separately if it is appropriate to do so.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Here's the thing that's most interesting to me. There is a "spiritually strong" congregation on the surface that is apostate. Granted, you're likely of that mindset if you've found the survey but stunning nonetheless:

    94 "active"

    9 elders, 17 MS, 9 reg pioneers and even 1 MTS grad

    How many congregations would love to have stats like that? Impressive indeed.

    What I pull away from this is that there may be a lot more folks like me ("active" but unbelieving) than I think.

    Very encouraging brother!!!

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey


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