What will you do on the last day?

by Skimmer 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lefty


    Why did you sidestep my question?

  • Solace

    My family will be picking up the pieces.
    Most are J.W.s. A few of us arent. We will all finally be reunited. That is,
    if no more of them die, by refusing a blood transfusion.

  • Skimmer

    Hello Heaven:

    You have my sincere condolences as do all the others who've lost family and friends to the demonic WTBTS prohibitions on vaccinations, transplants, and transfusions.

    Alas, when the WTBTS crashes, it will crash very hard as it has become used to living so very well at the expense of its slaves. So there is unlikely to be much available in assets for any of its victims.


    friday,misapplication?What a nice name for a lie.WBTS has been lying for 123 years.Many of us did real time there.Get Off Your Ass,go to all the meetings,get bible studies going,go out in the service on saturday and sunday,then come back in 20 years and tell us what you know.Until then,I don`t care what a wannabe dub thinks...OUTLAW

  • Lefty


    You seem to know all about my history as a JW. Tell me, how many years was I active as a JW?


    Hey friday,I didn`t say I know all about your jw history.I implyed I know your an inactive dub.Being inactive for decades after finding the jws late in life,won`t get you the WBTS gold medal.I don`t really care how long you were active,neither does`s WBTS.Your credibility is as good as your last service report.I`m not going to waste any more posts on your nonsense,I only have a few left...OUTLAW

  • Lefty


    Hey friday,I didn`t say I know all about your jw history.I implyed I know your an inactive dub.
    That's not exactly what you implied altogether, and so you're hiding behind a lie. I've seen you do this before.

    Here's a more complete account of what you said:

    Many of us did real time there.Get Off Your Ass,go to all the meetings,get bible studies going,go out in the service on saturday and sunday,then come back in 20 years and tell us what you know.Until then,I don`t care what a wannabe dub thinks...OUTLAW
    Now, lets consider just what you did say:

    First, by your stating "Many of us did real time" you imply that you've done something that I haven't.

    Second, by telling me to go do all that a JW normally does in the daily routine of their lives for 20 years and then report back, suggests again that I don't know what it's like to be a JW.

    Third, then you refer to me as a "wannabe dub", thereby implying for the third time that I've never walked the walk of a JW.

    But now you claim that all you did was simply imply that you knew of my inactivity. You've been caught red-handed telling an outright lie, Mr. OUTLAW! Can you rightly argue otherwise?

    I`m not going to waste any more posts on your nonsense
    Well of course you're not wanting to pursue this any further. That's the ways of a liar, they start running when they are in trouble. You know that I'm hot on your trail and you hope to escape not being found out after I called your hand. I think I hear a chicken cackling.



    I saw your diagram of the universe,you really are a fuck-up...OUTLAW

  • Lefty

    Ahh, the desperado returns once more … but just for a quick swipe and then he’s off into hiding all over again.

  • Solace

    Thank you for the kind words.
    It makes me sick to think that it continues to happen to other families. That is the main reason Im here.
    I would never accept money from the W.T.S. in lawsuit etc.
    Most of it was taken from other victims of the society.
    Just watching the society be exposed to everyone and admit their faults publicly would be enough for me. I hope it happens during my lifetime!
    I can dream cant I?

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