More Confessions of a former MOONIE - Part #2

by ros 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2


    Well the tests never lie do they?!

    Actually, I think you probably are creative. You're the only one that seems to get a kick out of JW/Atheist. Most people have a complete scotoma on that incongruency. I think you understand exactly where I'm coming from.

  • ros

    Actually, proplog2, I think underneath it all you seem like a pretty decent fellow. I don't necessarily disagree with some of your objective rationale. I do think you are going a bit over the top with pseudo-rationalizing when you come up with oxymorons like "ambiguous high-level thinkging". And to say that JW-atheist is "incongruent" might be one polite way of defining it. It's not that I get a "kick" out of it--I just cannot imagine anyone living the JW lifestyle by choice without believing it necessary for salvation. Its not a mental scotoma, its bewilderment. Five meetings a week, going door-to-door with Watchtower literature, sitting through loooong, hot, boring assemblies--and you don't even believe in a supreme being?

    Now if you were to admit that you remain in JWism because of loved ones you want to remain in good family relationship with, THAT I could understand. But in that case, you wouldn't need to come flying out of your corner at an article describing Moonies to defend the Watchtower organization.

    You're an enigma, proplog2, that's all. (Doesn't make you a bad guy. It's your life. I don't have to understand it. :-)

    "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true"--The Watchtower, 12/1/91 pg. 7

  • cellomould

    Hey proplog and ros,

    I can relate... the only reason I left was that I was pretty much atheist.

    I almost stayed to make a family... but to much stress with my ex-fiancee.

    It was quite a strange feeling, let me tell you. And the whole time I doubted, I was somewhat proud of myself because I hadn't left because of immorality or apostasy.


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • proplog2

    Now that I have a palm pilot I figure I can put up with meetings for another 10 years. Download my E-mail, Newsgroups, discussion forums. Schedule my appointments. I don't even have to snooze.

  • ros


    I can understand agnosticism after JWs, especially if you were raised in the religion under that mind cohersion about God. (I'm personally not able to relate to total atheism.) If JW concept of God is all you've ever known, and then you come out and learn science, I can relate to agnosticism, especially if fundamentalism seems to be the alternative.

    Okay, I can relate to that. :-) (The use of time, not the atheism.)
    But it still ain't like freedom.


    "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true"--The Watchtower, 12/1/91 pg. 7

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