Very poorly dog has been rushed to emergency vets!

by watersprout 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • watersprout
    I am glad you have such a service,

    Me to... It's been a God send... She wouldn't be alive now if it wasn't for this charity. We are planning to do some fundraising as they are in desperate need of a new hospital, so need as many donations as possible. I think it's the least I can do, given all the treatment nellie has received.

    Peace my sister and thank you for waiting with us.

    Peace my sister.

  • talesin

    I'm sorry to hear that, I'm glad she's had some sedation. By now, you've probably left for the vet's.

    Hoping doggie makes it through.


  • Violia

    So glad they have a charity to help you. I hope your dogie is resting peacefully and they can find out what is wrong or find a way to give him relief.

    thinking of your family, dogie included.

    Here even animal control charges. If your pet is a breed they are trying to rescue they might help but not much is available. I once had a very ill cat and was searching the net for help ( as locally it was fee at time of service) and was told by some folks who rescue animals on line that if I can't afford a pet I should not have one. I was too poor to have a pet. I was devastated. If anyone knows how in the states to get Vet help ( surgery etc) for low cost please chime in. I know where to get shots, get the cats neutered and all that but anything else costs a lot, even at the low cost vet. About all I currently know to do is take the pet to animal control and if it is a pet they think will be aadopted they will get he medical care, if not, they will put pet to sleep for me. I feel sad thinking about this as I love my cats so much. They have been my champions though at least 2 surgeries . They would both lay on one side of me and take turns purring and bathing me. I called them my healing cats and just liketherapy dogs, those cats do heal my spirit. I would miss them dreadfully if they were gone. They are 6.5 yrs old and are neutered . They are beautiful and black and from the same litter and when I talk to one I will say " where is sissy?" they will go and look for their sister. They love to listen to my hubby and I talk. They sometimes see other cats out the back door and I swear the noises they make sound a little like words. It is so cute , I must catch them on video sometimes. They have been raised together and if they have to stay in the house too long without and outing they start to fight like monkeys. ( boxing) It is just adorable.


  • factfinder

    I hope Nellie is ok.

  • talesin

    ((((watersprout, carrot & sprout & canine companion)))) thinking of you & yr doggy..

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace! I am not sure it's my place to let you all know... but Nellie reached the end of her physical life today. Dear WS and family are having a very rough time of it... which is most probably why she hasn't updated you all; she just doesn't have it in her, right now. I will leave it to her to give the details... but I knew some of you were waiting with her, as I was, so just wanted to let you all know.

    Again, peace to you all... particularly those who've lost very dearly loved ones... human and non-human.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Broken Promises
  • AGuest

    Thank you, BP. I was offline most of yesterday and didn't see dear WS' email until late. When I came online, I didn't see a post from her on this thread and so wanted to let folks know so that she didn't grieve anew. I did not see her new thread and so thank you for the link.

    A slave of Christ,


  • factfinder

    Yes BP- thank you for letting us know.

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