What's the deal with Emma Stone? Plus, Catwoman and Other Nonsense

by sd-7 29 Replies latest social entertainment

  • sd-7

    Aw, man! You saw the set! That's cool. Have I even seen a movie set before? Hmm. I don't think so. I think they filmed part of 'True Lies' near my junior high school while I was there, but of course I didn't see anything myself.


  • No Room For George
    No Room For George
    Perhaps you are right, Mr. George. I mean, I honestly tried the 'Catwoman' movie, but...the costume destroyed the entire concept. Big giant cat head does not equal sexy, and the rest of the outfit was like a fashion disaster. I was really looking forward to seeing Halle Berry fill out the Catsuit nicely, too... As for Anne Hathaway, we'll see what happens.

    I'd love to see an actress pull off the role of a respectable superheroine, however I just don't think there's any comic or cartoon heroines that can be interpreted by a live actress and still maintain respect, at least from my perspective. There's only a few actresses I can think of who've played roles where they were the agressors, and I respected it. I'm talking Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs, and even Panic Room or the Brave One. Linda Hamilton's role in the first two Terminators, but other than that, most female action leads suck to me. Sarah Gellar and Eliza Dushku did well on Buffy I thought, even though I thought that show was trash. The few times I gave in to the desire to look at a couple beauties catfighting, and watched Buffy, their acting wasn't too bad I thought, and the characters were respectable.

  • sd-7

    I usually see some guys handin' out Watchtowers at the subway station. Kind of tragic that they endure 90-degree heat to place something people can get online if they only knew about jw.org. Goes to show how little concern for thorough advertising they have--or would it be too expensive if the site took too many hits? They did say a charge was incurred for each download, but since when have they been entirely truthful? Bah...


  • sd-7

    Well, Joss Whedon is the reason for those good female characters. They need to let him do 'Wonder Woman'; I'm sure he'd cast the right person. Hopefully he'll get the chance once 'The Avengers' proves a smashing success.


  • EmptyInside

    They are filming "The Dark Knight" in Pittsburgh. If you make it to Heinz Field tomorrow,you can be an extra. I'm sure it will be bursting at the seams there.

  • sd-7

    Just for records' sake--Emma Stone...

    selina kyle

    ...and Selina Kyle (not verified as Catwoman, but probably stealing the Bat-Pod, more than likely...).


  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    See, thats what I mean SD, she looks like an idiot on that bike.

  • sd-7

    Okay. So would I. But I'd rather watch her on that bike than me.


  • youngbro

    If find Anne Hathaway very attractive personally. I think she will put it off rather well. If they were to have put Harley Quinn in the Batman films, this woman would have been perfect, I think:



  • WhatWasIThinking

    Emma Stone is cute. She was good in Superbad but I really liked her in Zombieland. Everyone was great in Zombieland, especially Bill Murray.

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