Atheist Fascism

by Band on the Run 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    Let me paste something I saved Vanderhoven:

    godrulze said: You did not think in your past and it appears you are not thinking now either. WT gives simplistic answers for complex problems appealing to simpletons

  • Searril

    I just had to post to say I completely agree with the OP. What's even worse is when they "ask" you questions and you answer them, then they ask the same questions over and over again pretending like you never responded to them to begin with just because they want to argue. Waste of time to even respond to someone who only wants to argue.

  • Vanderhoven7


    <<godrulze said: You did not think in your past and it appears you are not thinking now either. WT gives simplistic answers for complex problems appealing to simpletons>>

    Really NC! Hardly the basis for disfellowship...even out of context.

  • NewChapter

    Vanderhorn, that was only a sample. The context will not change the intent. He made these types of statements repeatedly. If it's fine with you then that's okay. It wasn't fine with Simon or the majority on the board. godrulz viewed us as his own missionary field. I'm not going to change opinions---just showing you a tiny sample of how he overstepped.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    It isn't just what he said or how he said it. It is that the SITE OWNER told him to STOP and he didn't.

    This isn't the public square. This site belongs to a private individual. Simon gives a LOT of leeway here and one has to completely disregard the moderators and/or the Posting Guidelines to get kicked off. He could be capricious if he wanted to but for the most part he is NOT. He is more than fair in how he treats trolls on this site.

  • MrDarkKnight

    NewChapter - Thanks for tip on studying word history and religion without the WT filter. I will do that. I have also received some interesting youtube links on evolution and some reference works in a PM I will look at.

    I did not find your post insulting, or abusive or fascist. Are you really an atheist? LOL!!!!!!!!

  • rebel8

    We are living in the 21st century and PERSONALLY we need to focus on that, not what happened 500 years ago or even 100 years ago, but here and now.

    But it's not for you to decide what we need to focus on. It's up to you to decide what you need to focus on.
    You personally have NOT been a victim of 2000 years or Christian ramming anything

    We all experience the results of that legacy.

    The 2000 years includes today btw.

    BUT to be dissmissed SIMPLY because I do believe in God and I am a Christian, which atuomatically means I am dilusional, ignorant and NOT being rational, resonable and not using critical thinking....

    It's more likely a very slim percentage of posts here have done that.

    As james_woods pointed out, this topic comes up over and over. I too don't see this tidal wave of atheist evangelism being described in this thread.

    P.S. Is that Awake quote real?!

  • NewChapter

    LOL MrDarkKnight. Some days I'm an atheist. Some days an agnostic. I actually attend a Unitarian Universalist church. They are fine that I say I'm an atheist. The pastor has told me I'm not under obligation to define myself anyway. As far as insulting---I don't know. It's a subjective judgement to be sure. Some of the conversations have gotten pretty heated. I would LIKE to say I'm not insulting, but if I do, someone may find a post where I WAS!

    So let's just say that as a rule I don't like to insult believers. I may have broken that rule, I'm not sure. I don't like when christians cry persecution because I live in a state where being a nonbeliever is a liability. They would like for us to shut up and take it and when we don't, well then we are seeking to rip apart the fabric of society and everything they hold dear.

    It's hard to stay balanced.


  • james_woods
    As james_woods pointed out, this topic comes up over and over. I too don't see this tidal wave of atheist evangelism being described in this thread.

    Thanks you.

    And, like I said - if anybody wants to prove that this tidal wave is real, just give us a sample of such a thread or such a poster by actual link...

  • bohm

    BTS: arh yah, that was also what i meant... But still.. i would like to see that thread with obvious examples of behaviour equivalent of abusive parents, inquisition AND fascism ... Hitler with fries on the side ... I certainly hope the thread was started because he did not like how some atheists compare theists to various bad people!

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