how does the governing body live

by jerome 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jerome

    how do the members of the gb carryout their everyday tasks

    where do they live, how comfortable do the live

    how do the people at bethel regard them , how much power do they have?

    what are the requirements for joining the governing body?

    what do they do for fun?[seriously of course]

    the bible is a two edged sword
    yeild it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • outnfree

    My first, flip response, was to answer "Very comfortably, thank you."

    Of course, so many of them are so old, that they're not likely very comfortable at all any longer!

    I don't know the answers to all of your questions, but as far as I know, they still all live in Brooklyn, have total spiritual authority over the "household of God", and have their physical needs met by Bethel workers (and JW contributions plus their own investment earnings).

    I don't know enough about the physical condition of the GB to know how they manage their daily tasks, nor do I have a clue what they do for fun -- other than making sure JWs don't have any!!!


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • Valentine

    However they live ,they do so without the stresses your average joe lives with. They do NOT worry where the next meal comes from.

    They do not worry about medical and dental services and how to pay for them.
    They do not worry about mortgages and rents....
    They do not worry about insurance,social security,old age living......
    They do not worry about automobiles and transportation...9and the insurance ,repairs that go along w/ such an expense.....
    The do not worry about clothing,personal needs......
    They do not worry about who pays for travel arrangements.....
    They do not worry about hotels etc when they do travel..
    They do not worry where their 'Depends' come from and who buys them.....
    They do not worry about glasses ,walkers, and other special needs....where they come from and who buys them.....
    They do not worry.....add your own here.......T

    Todays Affirmation:
    The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    They take in knitting for the weekends and live frugally.


    They're parasites, and they live as all parasites do, at the expense of their host organisms.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Satan. Are you a parasite on the host body of this website?

  • messenger

    Like rock stars, only without the music.

  • Doc_jedd

    messenger......Do you mean like Sex, Drugs, but no Rock and Roll ?................Jedd

  • jerome

    how did they get where they are?

    did people appoint them?

    how much of their own money do they do they contribute?
    [that is if they have their own money of course]

    a previous post stated that they dont worry about

    transportation but can someone be more specific?

    do they have their own drivers? do they ride in limmos.

    do they travel first class only do they have a pivate jet?

    what happens when they die? who replaces them?

    how the hell do people let them

    LIVE LIKE gods

    at their own expense?

    the bible is a two edged sword
    yeild it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • butalbee

    don't they have sex orgies with their personal assistants, drink cognac and howl at the moon????????

  • Doc_jedd

    Well, perhaps they howl at the moon a little bit.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jedd

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