80% of all web sites are pornagraphic

by Sour Grapes 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    Another brother said that you can be on a safe web page and then all of a sudden a pornagraphic web page just pops up.

    How funny. Google uses your cache and search history to serve advertisments. If a porn web page pops up, then it is a good indication of the type of sites you have at some stage browsed on purpose. That guy was unwittingly admitting to the sorts of sites he uses.

    the internet in their homes. for this reason many Witlesses are deciding not to have

    The internet will be an almost compulsory part of life in the future. Mail, bills, movies, etc will all convert over to an internet delivery model in time. Instead of trying to avoid the unavoidable, JWs should be educating themselves to know how to control the internet (and themselves).

  • charlie brown jr.
  • WontLeave

    I wouldn't think they do it for free.......maybe just a little tittie teaser ........but the real stuff....can you get that for free ?

    What'cha need? PM me. I found some great sites while using a MS's computer. He didn't know how to empty his browsing history and they'd autofill when I was searching for totally unrelated things.

  • VM44

    The Watchtower does not care if its statements are accurate or not, they are concerned with influencing the thoughts of those who listen to them!

    The Watchtower specializes in writing Propaganda.

  • hoser

    It's spiritual pornography like what's on this site they're really afraid of. that's why they have to demonize the internet and keep the sheeples away from doing real research.


  • therevealer

    It is funny/interesting that although they demonize the internet and discourage the need many witlesses feel to have and possess every latest gadget, that they make their shit available for it all. The wt library is made available to work on various gadgets other than just the computer. And now they are making the mags, and probably will with other digital downloads, abailable as epubs so they can load them on their gadgets. Many witnesses never had cassette players, video recorders, dvd players, etc. until they made these various forms of media available forcing the dubs to go and buy these so that they could keep up with the rich spiritual food. LOL. My brother and his wife who are getting up in years have voiced there frustration of having to buy and learn how tho use these. Never would have been so "materialistic" to go out and buy these had the society not forced them to. LOL

  • thetrueone

    The WTS once demonized computers back in the mid 80's, quoting scriptures that says those who build a tower ( as in computer towers ) of not

    of god's direction are sanctioned by his holy spirit . Something to that effect, I couldn't believe the article when I read it.

    Their thinking was that time involved working or playing with commuters is diminishing time reading and studying his voice and channel of communication

    of the Watchtower Corporation. I'm totally serious.

    Now they sell a lot of their published works on Computer media.

  • exwhyzee

    80% of all web sites are pornagraphic

    According to www.pathetic looser.com... 83% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

  • VampireDCLXV

    It's just like what tabloid journalists do... they don't let facts get in the way of a good story. They're also worthy of just about as much respect as said tabloid journalists... practically none!


  • EmptyInside

    I hear facebook is pretty hardcore in its own right. lol.

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