Re: Survey for US people: America is the best?

by fodeja 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • fodeja

    For every person, there seem to be things they just don't understand. For me, it's nationalism in more than homeopathic doses. I wouldn't have expected to meet that much nationalism on an ex-JW board, but then, life holds many surprises. It boggles my mind how people can say things like

    America is the best place/nation/country of the world

    or something to that effect. It seems to be an idea that's injected in the bloodstream of every US citizen at a young age.

    What I'm curious about is not the feeling that "there's no place like home" (which most people probably have, wherever they may come from). The thing I'd like to know about is what seems to be a widespread belief that the United States simply is, objectively, the best nation of the world or the best place in the world to live.

    I'm stating my opinions up front: I don't believe there is such a thing as a best nation, and I'm quite convinced that people who believe such things are simply ignorant about the rest of the world. I also tend to think that there is a classic form of selection bias at work here: people who don't hold such strong opinions don't make themselves heard as much; they may well be a silent majority.

    Of course, I may be wrong. So, please tell me:

    1) Do you think the USA is the best country in the world, and can you tell us why (not) in one short sentence?

    2) What are your criteria for comparing countries?

    3) Do you think you are well-informed about the rest of the world?

    4) Are you making an active effort to inform yourself about the rest of the world, or do you listen to and watch what's presented to you?

    5) What is your primary source of information about other countries?

    6) Do you think your primary source of information gives you a fairly accurate, unbiased, and complete picture of other countries? Why?

    7) First-hand experience: have you ever been to any other countries/continents of the world, and for how long? Can you share some experiences with us?



    (grammar corrections due to Kiwi complaints )

  • DakotaRed
    1) Do you think the USA are the best country in the world, and can you tell us why (not) in one short sentence?

    I see America as no better nor worse than other counbtries, just having greater freedoms.

    2) What are your criteria for comparing countries?
    I really have no, per se, "criteria. Mainly, I look at the people and how they treat and react to others. In other countries I have visited, people seem just like people, wanting to care for their families and lead a good and decent life. Of course, every country has it's groups that don't think like this, but that is why all have prisons.

    3) Do you think you are well-informed about the rest of the world?
    I think adequate resources are avaiable, but I also think the average "John Q. Public" doesn't really care too much to take advantage of them. Instead, they rely on the media to "inform" them and it has been shown, of late, that the US media releases information as they seem fit. And, unfortuantely, it's not always too accurate.

    4) Are you making an active effort to inform yourself about the rest of the world, or do you listen to and watch what's presented to you?
    One thing I really enjoy is corresponding with people of different nations. I watch and lsiten to the media, but always take it with a grain of salt.

    5) What is your primary source of information about other countries?
    I visit internet sites and as stated above, correspond individually with some from other nations, mostly Britain.

    6) Do you think your primary source of information gives you a fairly accurate, unbiased, and complete picture of other countries? Why?
    First of all, I harbor no ill will against other nations. Their respective Governments may need "adjusted," but the rank and file people are pretty similar around the globe. I try my best to get feelings of a nation "direct from the horses mouth," by talking directly to citizens.

    7) First-hand experience: have you ever been to any other countries/continents of the world, and for how long? Can you share some experiences with us?
    Prior to 1969, I had only left the state of Florida twice, both times as far north as Alabama. By mid 1969, my journey around the globe had started with my arrival in South Vietnam. Of course, I was sent there to fight in the war and experiences get a bit personal. Suffice it to say that I was not pleased at the outcome nor with the treatment many veterans received upon return and sadly, still receive. A prime example of how the media manipulated the citizenry, based upon misinformed sources.

    While in Vietnam, I had the honor of getting to R&R a week in Syndey Australia. I had always wanted to see Australia ever since I first started hearing about it as small boy. That is one of the fondest memories I have, my visit to Australia. Of course, seeing as they drive on the different side of the road than we do, quite a few times, I almost got clobbered stepping off of a curb. I was really impressed with the Toronga Park Zoo, how clean the buildings were as well as how friendly the citizens were. I was left with the impression that Australians genuinely like Americans.

    After Vietnam, I was stationed in Nurnberg Germany for three years. Wile I found Germans to be a hearty and friendly people also, like many towns in the States, I found those living close to a military base to be somewhat different. Maybe because of past treatment by GIs? I don't know. Germany is also a very pretty country. I was there from 1971 to 1974 and our job was to fly the border between
    Czechoslovakia, East and West Germany. Occasionally, when we were flying alng the border on our side, a Russian helicopter would come from the opposite direction on their side. Of course, we would both pull back to a hover and wave to each other and make expressions to the effect of, "what the hell are we doing out here?"

    While living in a German apartment, with my newly acquired wife (shortly before being granted rent free government quarters), we actually received a visit from all people, Jehovah's Witnesses. They spoke perfect English, but must have been German. Somehow, though, they knew we were Americans. I don't remember the subject, but I do remember that they were pleasant and not at all pushy.

    I even spent a week touring Italy while stationed in Germany. Venice, Pisa and Rome mostly. Touring the Vatican and seeing the works of Michealangelo, and others, was awe inspiring. Walking on the grounds of the ruins of ancient Rome was interesting, thinking about who walked there before. Climbing inside the Leaning Tower of Pisa was a trip. It was raining that day and very slippery, but I was only going to be there once, so I wasn't about to miss out

    By observing other GIs, and even a few tourists, I have to say that I feel Americnas have earned the name they have around the globe. I love my country and have done much to defend it, but the arrogance of many of my fellow Americans, when abroad, disgusts me. Like I said in the beginning, I see us Americnas as no better nor no worse than any other citizen of any country.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • happy man
    happy man

    Wery well said, i agree ,and as living in sweden we have a diffrent wiu of US.
    When we see them as the words police, and atack other naitons killing innocent peopel,
    you folks can not bee blind, i have benn in US two times, and now peopel are very nice and caring,
    here in sweden it is more strikt and peopel are more cold, if you understan d what i mean.
    Like you I was chocked over this nationalistic talks here from former witnesses,
    havent they learn anything, even if they not areJW anymore.
    For us it is radher clear that some aktions made by the US goverment was behind this terrorist atacks, this problem in israel, where uasuport this very bad things done. Wee was loooking on TV of a program from the massaker of Sabra and Shatila, the palestinian refugies camps,for a long time ago.
    <they show how Israel was ligtning the heven for one night, and the open the gates for libanes cristian peopel too atack palestinians, and over 800 was killd, children was killd inn a very brutal way,they show pictures from a lot of killd peopel, heads of ,and things like that, some was hiding and was telling what happend.
    the problem is, NOWONE HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO COURT FOOR THIS, nowone have even been invastigate this, it was not intresting,
    some try to put sharon on trail,as the man inn the front and planing the whole thing. but nothing happend. Some days ago the front man for libanes who said he will tell some intresting things inn this matter,was killd in a carbomb.
    Can you people understan if some are telling that this akts from Israel, is one of the biggest resons to the atacks on US, as we all now US is supporting israel. This is a very bigg problem , the nationalism is also a very bigg problem, and my hart is realy crying when i heard former brothers and sisters, leaving the believe that we some day must be one word, all the same, all brother and sisters, not a word who are putt upp in smal parts, and leaders who try to tell peopel inn this parst that they are in some way better than others, as i see it, bibel say that the lord must take away all this wordley kings, beaucause they have done so much error, dan 2:44
    rev 6.15-16, some exampel of what can happend is germany under second word war, german uber alles, was the messege.
    'And when i hear Bush talking as he is one the good side,and other is on the bad side, i think it is something for you to think about.
    The dream of one word widhout nationalism is very important, and the only way to salv all this error we see today.
    this was some thinking from a forener in this mornig,i hope none taking this personal, i whising you all jehovas blessing and a very good day,aspecial too amaizing and hillary steep, even if they leave us, i am still inn, fighing for what i think is good.

  • Haereticus

    One of things surprised me on this forum was this open nationalism and furthermore "kill the bastard"-comments. To me it was not a surprise that behind these comments is mainly people from a specific country.
    Here is my contribution:

    1) I do not feel that USA would be best for all the people, but for americans yes.
    2) I would not compare a country against another as the citizens often have different expectations owing tho the past history and possible hetero-/homogenous origin.
    3) Yes, at least more than an average person (see 7).
    4) Yes very much so.
    5) Public media, reading, ham radio and lately Internet.
    6) I am not trying to pretend to be an educated expert and therefore expressing my views as mild as possible when referring to foreign nations.
    7) I have been working altogether 2 yrs in Libya, 4 mts in USA, 1 yr in France, 4 mts in UK and 2 mts in Switzerland. And also during 15 years shorter periods around Europe as a service engineer.

    "Proper preparation & planning prevents piss poor performance." - Awul Dasfilshabeda and Nowaynayda Zheet

  • patio34

    Hi Fodeja,

    Thanks for the questions. I'm not going to answer them because of not being able to answer them. What i would say is that, since i was born and raised in the US, it is my homeland and i love it. So, TO ME and FOR ME it's the best. However, i'm sure everyone else loves their homeland also.

    Actually, i wouldn't phrase it that it's the best. I'm sure every country, well, most countries, have plenty to offer. In fact, visiting other countries is a favorite vacation of Americans.

    Thanks for the questions. This forum is a great place to get to know other cultures.

    One thing, i won't participate in is some of the negativity expressed about America by a few on the board. But, hey, it's a free country, right? Everyone's entitled to their opinion! And I'm not naive enough to think there's nothing wrong with the ol' USA. But there's plenty wrong with other countries also.

    But I'm rambling!


  • Amazing


    "America is the best place/nation/country of the world or something to that effect." ... "It seems to be an idea that's injected in the bloodstream of every US citizen at a young age."

    Europeans especially have a hard time with Americans over this. Simply put, US nationalism is not well understood. Best illustrated: My wife is the best woman in the world. My parents are the best Mom and Dad in the world. My children are the best kids in the world.

    Do you see any comparable pattern?

  • ozziepost

    Now how could anyone from the Great Southern Land agree with this?

    Anyway, I'm a bit suspicious of people who say "Do you think the USA are the best country in the world ?"
    When will you yanks ever learn English?


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • ladonna



    Having lived in a lot of countries in the world, and having visited USA, I will not answer your post question by question, but I will say this-:

    Live where you love, and love where you live!

    No, USA is not the "best" in the world, neither is it the worst. Amazing gave a fine example of "elitism". That is what hits me full in the face with the USA. It can appear to come across as "we are better than them" attitude. Yet, I have many USA friends that I love dearly.
    UK is very beautiful; the people warm and friendly....
    Australia is wonderful, much like USA but without such crowds....
    Paris is not all it is made out to be, but is still a wonderful place.
    Italy is divine..
    Russia...and surrounding countries are cold and opressive, and yet the people have a warmth that is seldom found elsewhere..

    The list could go on.....

    Just love your homeland, but to's never the "best" place on earth, it's your home! Which makes it the "best", but "only" to YOU!


  • Thirdson

    1) It is for ME because all of my hopes, dreams, and most loved ones lay or live in the USA.

    2) Comparing countries? Standard of education, political and religious freedom, economic stability standard of living.

    3) Yes to a degree.

    4) Yes. I try to listen, watch, read unbiased (relatively) news. I talk to people of other culture/backgrounds and find out they feel and what they believe. I read articles from foreign correspondants and I listen to experiences of writers. (There was a wonderful piece recently by an American writer who lived in Paris for 5 years.)

    5) News and documentary. Personal experience.

    6) Not always. My view and expectation of the USA prior to visiting was somewhat different from my experience. I believe the same is true for many other places. You have to live there to really understand.

    7) I have been resident of 3 countries, UK, Australia and USA. I lived in Australia for 2 years, the USA nearly 7 years. I have worked in and often visited Canada. I have visited and worked in Ireland, France, Germany and Switzerland. I have visited as a tourist other southern European countries and one Eastern European country. My oldest brother has shared with me his experience of living and working in India and Iran.

    In all cases I have found people to be friendly and hospitable to strangers. You can't label whole countries just because of the political regime (i.e., "an axis of evil").

    In several cases I was surprised because expectations were bettered by reality. My experience: It helps if you try to speak in the local languages even if you are totally hopeless (like me).

    (Legal alien - USA)

  • DIM

    I've only been to:

    Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, Vancouver, rural parts of Ontario and Quebec and all over the north and south islands of New Zealand. I loved certain aspects of Canada and New Zealand, but I feel at home in the USA. I don't think that means that its better, its just what I'm used to.

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