Hypocricy of JW stance on shunning those disfellowshipped from the congregation?

by corpusdei 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Joliette

    A bunch of crazy men were ruling the watchtower back then. And still are today.

  • dgp


  • WontLeave


    You made me think of an addition to my paper. Under things we do for God, is "We make sacrifices for him" and I put a quote from the 5/22/94 Awake! (the one that brags about the kids who died for their rules). Thanks for sparking that thought.

  • Quendi


    I completely agree with your belief that God has no organization; and since he has none the very existence of the WTS and the congregations it has formed is pointless. It is indeed up to the individual to live a life that will be pleasing to him. Christ showed us the way by his life and words. A friend of mine reminded me of an exchange between Mahatma Gandhi, no friend of Christianity but a lover of Christ, and Lord Mountbatten. Mountbatten asked the Mahatma what he thought the solution to the problem that lay between India and Britain was. Gandhi told him that if both countries followed the principles set down by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount, not only would their international dispute be solved, but so would problems throughout the world.

    The WTS has frequently cited this exchange as proof of the validity of Jesus' teachings. Too bad that it doesn't follow those teachings. The disfellowshipping arrangement is just one of a multitude of things the Society should be called to account on. It has gone far beyond what is written numerous times, but the rank-and-file are so cowed by the heavy-handed way the organization wields its authority that they don't have the backbone to stand up for themselves anymore. I am glad that I am out and putting ever-widening distance between me and this cult.


  • mostlydead

    Certainly when a person becomes a Christian witness of Jehovah, he suddenly finds out who are his true friends.

    In actuality, when a person becomes a witness, they are strongly encouraged to give up all their former friends and associates. They're not even supposed to keep those that prove to be true friends by being willing to accept their new beliefs. The teaching is that no one is fit for friendship except other witnesses. So it's very hypocritical to bring up the shunning and boycotting that friends might do, when this is exactly what the WTS expects it's new converts to do to their friends.

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