JW came to my door, 30min. ago.Can not beleive what happen.

by jam 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Well babe, not anytime soon. I've just immersed myself that much more. It's gonna be a long haul, but we're off topic. Another day, another PM.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Someone made a point that was abundantly clear in my KH. Lack of sexual impulse control runs deep in the org.

    No one was ever di'f'd on a doctrinal matter. Impressive.

    I've spoken with several women who were raised as JWs. I feel the moral code is very clear. All these women had belief in the org. Yet all were sluts and got pregnant with no education or resources. They were shocked that they were d'f'd. Their children were not embraced. It hurt them deeply. But they think it is very unfair. I feel they had notice. Maybe knowing them I could see how they could have flourished without the early, nomarital pregnancies. Men never have to face the consequences as much.

    Of course, I also recall Michael Jackson grabbing his crotch on broadcast TV. One standard for him and another standard for the rest of us poor slobs.

  • wobble

    Well done Jam,

    It is good that you got across the point that it is the teachings you know to be wrong.

    I like to use that expression,emphasising the "I know the teachings are wrong ", rather than the weaker "I disagree with the teachings", they then can either run away, as my last conversation ended "You'll never destroy my faith......" as she ran off down the road, or they can question you further, and find out the truth.

  • jamiebowers
    It'd be one thing if I was by myself, and came across an apostate, I'd probably let them know that I'm on the same page as they are.

    Hey, Miz, I see your point. I was picturing you at my door as a lone wolf jw when I made that comment.

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