To the MEN, all of you ...

by talesin 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • finallyfree!

    we wouldnt be in this mess to begin with if it werent for eve. luv y'all! :)

  • talesin

    AGuest -- you can feel froggy anytime *but sorry you are unwell (HUG)*, you're aces in my book!

    Think About It - now that's refreshing!

    sizemik - yes, me too! don't know what I'd do without my guys ;)

    FHN - tops off jars, oh yeah. I couldn't get the top off my orange juice at work one day, and went to the mechanic's shop next door,,, he just went 'flick' - done.. but my hands don't work too well, anyways.

    proph -- mwah! mwah!

    MrFreeze -- Its not that hard being a man. hehe, I am always putting my foot in it, my friends can usually count on catching me in a 'good one'. and ahahaha! believe it or not, sometimes those thongs need adjustment too,,, uncomfortable

    Robdar - good one!

    ff - I know, it's all OUR FAULT! :D


  • Nickolas

    Acknowlegement accepted. For the record, though, I kind of like you women, too.

  • talesin

    Nick -

  • FlyingHighNow

    I like the way a man's face feels when he has just shaved.

  • kurtbethel

    Only Men.....

  • talesin
  • LouBelle

    FlyingHowNow - I like a little stubble. The graze of his cheek mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm

    Men - ja - I know you guys are really simple and I reckon I get that quite well.

  • talesin

    lol @ LouBelle :)

    but simple? oy! complex - I can't figure them out ....

    But the topic being the Men of JWN, and appreciating the difficulties of having families 'in', choices in giving up the religion, and a whole buncha stuff that is really really tough (note, I didn't say 'hard' this time).

    Being a feminist, doesn't mean I/we don't empathize with your problems as well.


  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Thanks for the thought Talesin.

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