Is the US government intentionally supressing a cancer cure?

by Nathan Natas 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
  • SixofNine

    Confessions of a Quackbuster

    Mercola= money grubbing snake oil salesman.

  • drwtsn32

    Yep. Mercola = crap.

  • talesin


  • Robdar

    Who cares about Mercola? Did anybody look at the movie about Dr. Burzynski? It was interesting.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Very interesting.... and yes, I do.

  • slimboyfat

    I have no understanding of the science involved, but on a personal level Burzynski's interviews do not inspire confidence in me. He compares his situation to a warzone like the Gaza strip with bombs going off all around, and appears very confrontational toward critics, telling one man he would haunt him for supposedly causing the deaths of 200 people. His comfortable office does not much resemble as warzone as far as I could make out, and if he really does have an effective treatment then he should do his utmost to present his case in a manner that wins people over rather than accusing them.

    If the United States doesn't allow him to administer his treatment to willing patients outside of clinical trials then I am sure there are other countries where he would be allowed. Why doesn't he relocate somewhere else?

  • bohm

    Mercola is a known crank, fraud, liar and downright evil. he tell lies which are very likely to kill people in order to sell them crap which do not work.

    He also has the credentials of a moron. for instance

    • anti-vaxer.
    • anti-statin drugs.
    • sunscreen increase chance of cancer
    • hiv/aids denialist
    • propose sleep over chemo therapy as a way to fight cancer (i dare anyone who support Dr. Crapola to say they would subject their loved ones to such obvious and dangerous stupidity).
  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    Check out for an article on Mercola.

    Reopened Mind

  • Kahlua

    "If the United States doesn't allow him to administer his treatment to willing patients outside of clinical trials then I am sure there are other countries where he would be allowed. Why doesn't he relocate somewhere else?"

    I watched the movie about Burzynski last night. While watching it, I also wondered why he didn't go to another country to practice. Apparently what he is using works and the FDA has been fighting him every step of the way.

    I am reading The China Study by T. Colin Campbell PhD right now. It is explaining how certain proteins (meat & dairy) can be harmful. They have been successful in actually turning cancer Off in lab mice & rats and then back On again just by diet in clinical trials.

    If I had cancer I would definitely refuse chemo and radiation and give Mr. Burzynski a try. What he uses has no bad side effects and has been very successful in curing cancers.

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