Are Witnesses encouraged to talk about their non-JW mates?

by Nickolas 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    I might add that recently the Kingdom Ministry (used for the service meeting) had a part about "reaching out" to non-jw spouses as potential candidates to become new jws, especially since most of them are male and the WTS needs new male blood in the MS and elder field.

    I grew up with a non-jw father and he knew that my mother talked negatively about him at the KH to get sympathy from the other jws. I married a non-jw as well and saw the same recruiting process. I did not talk about my husband. But I know of many sisters with non-jw husbands that were just like my mother, drama queens.

  • still thinking
    still thinking it wasn't this book.....maybe it was another life saving book...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Its funny, but that was one thing that stood out to me. It was talked about at lot at meetings. Women seemed to be drawn to the "truth" and then they would drag their husbands in......eventually...

    I'ts very much the Adam and Eve scenario...Eve mislead...Adam suckered in. We woman really need to wake up (sorry to offend any other women here). And men....good grief!

    Good on you Nick for not being one of them.

  • TD

    What on earth have you been up to, TD?

    It actually might have been my wife who was the target of their interest. Who knows? Dumpster diving is not out of the ordinary in a world where bumbling amatuer stakeouts of suspected wrongdoers are not unusual.

  • Nickolas

    Same page, ee.

    I might add that recently the Kingdom Ministry (used for the service meeting) had a part about "reaching out" to non-jw spouses as potential candidates to become new jws, especially since most of them are male and the WTS needs new male blood in the MS and elder field.

    That sounds attractive, blondie, something I could buy into. I could join, get baptised, become an elder and then use my influence to inaugurate kingdom hall poker nights complete with nachos and lots of cold beer. What about elder nights watching Dexter or Breaking Bad? Naw. I don't think they really want me as an elder.

    33 years! must have the patience of a Saint

    Or a fool.

  • NewChapter

    OOOO poker night! And NACHOS. AND BEER!! Do I have to be an elder to watch DEXTER---one of my favs? Nickolas--have you ever thought about starting your own church? It would be loads of fun and tax exempt.


  • dgp

    You don't seem like a fool to me, Nickolas.

    It actually might have been my wife who was the target of their interest. Who knows?
    Dumpster diving is not unusual in a world where bumbling amatuer stakeouts of suspected wrongdoers are not unusual.....TD

    WBT$/JW Elder..

    G arbage Thief..

    mutley-ani1.gif image by GeneralWaco ...OUTLAW

  • Nickolas

    Interesting feedback. Thank you, all, and good night.

  • carla

    To make things crystal clear to a jw spouse, elders & cong you must get yourself a large collection of apostate books, dvd, etc...Then when they want to discuss anything and they pull out their jw literature you haul out your very extensive library (which would of course include numerous trips due to the large collection) then sit down with a big smile and ask, "now what did you want to discuss?" Don't forget to include your own 'tracts' warning the public about jw's and any recent disgusting news stories about jw's. I can almost guarantee you will never get a sheparding call again and your spouse might actually give up as well.

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