Wachtower says 97% of teens masturbate....is it realistic that 100% Witness teens don't?

by Witness 007 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NewYork44M

    An ejaculation is a body function. For a religion to call a body function evil is all about control.

    I am surprised that religion does not have a problem with excessive bowel movements.

  • luna2

    My boys were very young when we started going to the KH. I was shocked when one Sunday we had the masturbation talk. I didn't see how it would help anything to introduce the topic to young kids and get them curious about it. I didn't see how it would really help anybody stop doing it. I didn't understand how making people feel massive guilt was beneficial. I didn't see why, if it wasn't a disfellowshipping offense, the had to bring it up at all.

    I agree that its a control issue. Anything they can do to mess up your mind and make you feel that you are lacking and, therefore, continue to need their guidance.

  • bereanbiblestudent

    NewChapter it was about 10 years ago, give or take a few years.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    This is how the Witnesses get sidetracked. Who cares whether someone masturbates or not? As long as I don't have to watch, it is their private business. Jesus was not incarnated to preach against masturbation.

    With all these silly nonissues, it is hard to know what their basic message is.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Babies have been observed masturbating in the womb. WTBTS can KMA.

  • RagingBull

    Yeah the Society wears this subject out. But skims (if that) over pedophilia. wonder why they never have "experiences" in their magazines of those victims that were touched by an elder or other cong. member. They only seem to tell of how ones overcame "wordly" opposition.

    can you say "ONE-SIDED"?

  • NewChapter

    Raging! That is an incredibly interesting question. They are so into life stories, why DON'T they include stories of vicitms that overcame sexual abuse by a JW? I mean, wouldn't that be "oh so loving of the brothers"? They always point out how "loving" their god is to include truthful accounts of horrible things his servants did. Like David. Like Manassah. He doesn't hold back and that makes it all true. But they are silent on this. Very good observation.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I second that.........Very good observation RagingBull.

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