A guy just can't get by anymore...

by finallyfree! 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    Our local school cafeterias will be open for breakfast and lunches for ANY child who needs a meal- how low we have sunk?- this is a nice community- no slums anywhere and 69% of families are on free/reduced school lunches-

    First, I'm very glad you posted that, dear Moshe (peace to you!), as the perception is this country is that only poor minorities play the system and live off the government. Let me tell you... folks from EVERY income class... and a LOT of them... play the system and live off the government. And, yes, the government knows it. But it's not the "government", per se. It's the folks that folks put IN government... and not in the Executive branch. It really is the Legislative branch. Because most there have THEIR hand in the pot... one way or another... or has a loved one/friend whose hand is. The Executive branch, which usually gets blamed for it, isn't in charge of Taxing and Spending, dear ones. That is an exclusive Legislative power... and function.

    I did marvel, however, at how fast the economy jumped from the 60's to, say, the 80's. Astronomical, actually. My father bought his house in 1968 for $16,500. $16,500!!! You can't even buy a decent USED car for that price now. When he died in 1988 my [wicked, evil] stepmother (his ex) called for it to be sold... and it did... for over $100,000. In 20 years, folks. And... it wasn't even fixed up! So, I had to ask about it... and what I learned was:

    This phenomenon isn't caused by the government. Indeed, the government is going bankrupt (government spending is out of control, but that's really due to 2-3 wars in the past 10 years. The result, however, is that government budgets are being cut to the hilt and the postal service is a hop, skip, and a jump from insolvency!).

    Nope, it's really not government. It's because of private industry and technology... along with explosive increases in the interest in entertainment (including sport, recording, television, and film)... that are making even more "noveau riche". The new rich. No more "old" money - people are making fortunes overnight. Which means they can pay MORE... and quicker. Lightening speed. And so the price of "everything" is going up, up, up. And if you don't have a trust fund or haven't sought (and made) your own fortune... you are simply left behind. It is almost impossible to keep up with a regular job... even TWO regular jobs, sometimes.

    And there's ONE thing causing it: the Internet.

    Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying the Internet is bad or evil. It just is. It is the beginning of a new "age", just as industry was at the turn of the last century. It has provided an impetus that has catapaulted people into overnight successes... at a FAR, FAR greater rate than ever imagined. It has created such "new rich."

    And the new rich and their spending power have caused a "domino" effect, in that the not so rich, but not necessarily poor (i.e., middle class), now find it necessary for BOTH partners to have to work at usually very high-demanding jobs... to at least keep pace with the tail end. But... they're losing ground. The lower class isn't even in the running. The rich... are getting richer... at a much faster pace than anyone ever imagined (how long did it take Mark Zuckerman to be declared a "billionaire"?? How old is he??)... and so there is a huge wasting away of the "middle class", because they are fast become the "lower" class. Because what used to take a lifetime... or two... now takes less than ten years. For some, less than two years. Some, even overnight (virtually).

    But it's not the government's fault - heck, they can't keep up themselves! Nor can they "regulate" what's going on to slow it down. That would interfere with commerce, commercialism, and capitalism, all of which are the very foundation of this country. The rich... simply won't allow it. There would be a complete change in government, if not a coup altogether.

    SO... what's a body to do? It used to be "get an education." Right now... that may not be such good advice. The cost of education has skyrocketed (so that graduates start off with enormous debt)... and jobs are hard to find, even for the educated (which is resulting in them taking lower jobs, those usually filled by the less- or un- educated... which is knocking those poor folks right out the box!).

    I can only see about 5 solutions:

    1. If you don't already have them and/or you're an intravert, hone up on your Internet skills. It is the FUTURE folks, for as long as the "system" stands.

    2. If you're extroverted enough, hone up on your people skills. People today LOVE talkers, advisers, counselors. Hence, the huge boom in motivational speakers and talk shows hosted by women.

    3. If you're young enough, hone up on your athletic, singing, dancing, or "I'm crazy enough to jump off a cliff, eat bugs, get bashed in the face or let a TV crew into my personal life... for money" skills.

    4. If you're not young, look into long-term life insurance. 'Cause you're probably gonna need it.

    5. Consider relocating/retiring to a third world country... or something close (like Mexico/Central America, which my husband and I have been toying with for a few years - we could retire "comfortably" in either).

    Oh... there is one more: throw your burdens on Christ and take up HIS "load." For for HIS yoke is kindly and HIS load is light. That's what gotten ME through... and I'm not doing bad at all.

    So, I hope this helps those of you who can't see any "light" at the end of your "tunnel." As my last example implies... he (the Light) IS there, though. Keep seeking him.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • finallyfree!

    exactly what moshe said!! couldnt have said it better. im not that old and i find myself remembering the days when u could walk into a corner store and pick up a bottle of pepsi or coke for 0.69. a penny candy cost a penny.

    aguest: you say it is not the governments fault that we are in the predicament we are in today? all i can say is look at the trillions our government are spending on blowing shit up in the middle east. why not take a fraction of that and put it into healthcare, or young families in need or the homeless?? i will tell you why, because caring for citizens who have paid and paid all their lives and need a hand is not profitable. war is though, and thats where i fully agree with you...corporate pigs and bigshot money managers are all in cahootz with our government. "you scratch my back, ill scratch yours" but i refer to them as the same because its a fact that our system is corrupt from the inside out.

    it was also mentioned that we make our own dumb decisions which we have to pay for and assume which i also agree with. make ur bed and laydown as they say but it still stands that if we had an honest government that looked out for their country and the well being of its citizens instead of their own fat pockets and their war profiteering strategies. who goes in and cleans up after the usa is done bombing up the whole middle east? american subcontractors who overcharge, bribe and defraud. trust me i work in sales and i know how the wheel turns. contracts are inflated, envelopes get handed out and everyone shuts up cuz thats how it is. and who foots the bill? us, the taxpayer.

  • designs


    Are you talkin about my boys at Halliburton and Blackwater over charging on top of people misery, they'd never do that..........

    Write and communicate with your elected officials regularly, I send my Congressman, Daryl Issa, my Medical Premium Bills which has gone up 275% in 24 months. Guess how Wellpoint/BlueCross and Issa/Congress are in bed together.

    Thinking of the old days, my Dad bought our family home in 1949 with his Veterans Home Loan, house payment $45.00 per month, had the pink slip in his hands by the mid 60's, he was so proud.

  • GOrwell

    $10 for a loaf of bread and a jug of milk? $5 for a converted (from litres) gallon of gas? Welcome to Canadian prices, my friend. However, it seems to all balance out with the lack (largely) of healthcare insurance here.

    There aren't many options left.

  • Twitch

    What GOrwell said. Take off, eh? ;) Seriously, I can't dispute the widening gulf between cost of living and expenses especially compared to times gone by, but it doesn't look good for the future

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    TV tennins!!!! you guys were too flash...I would have been at your house if you had that.

  • AGuest
    corporate pigs and bigshot money managers are all in cahootz with our government.

    That's really what I meant, dear FF (the greatest of love and peace to you!). The government is a "business"... and it's going broke. There's profit in war. Someone's selling someone artillery. Oh, and cement. Are you a devloper? Wanna make a buttload of money? Have your government blow up another country then give your company the contract to rebuild it.

    BUT... the Internet makes all of these go SO much faster... and folks make SO much more money... faster... than it ever took before.

    Unfortunately, like every other "jump" (i.e., agriculture to industry, industry to techonology)... whole lotta folks get phased out. Usually the lower levelers (although, don't scoff at cleaning toilets and windows. They haven't "invented" anyone to do that... yet).


    A slave of Christ,


  • Berengaria

    Wall Street and Big Biz have been making record profits and productivity has been up for years now. Problem is it's not trickling down. Tell me how taxes can be at a 60 year low?

  • Berengaria

    Designs!! You're guy is Issa? I am soooooooo sorry.

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