Analysis: Did God Condone the Slave Trade

by corpusdei 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • corpusdei
    Slavery as it was then was quite horrific and quite wrong by our moral standards

    Part of the Israelite practice of slavery included a systematic destruction of any ties the slave may have had to their home, along with steps taken to essentially indoctrinate them into Israelite society. It's noteworthy that this practice of cutting all ties to anything outside the group is similar in intent to the Witness creed and practice of isolating its members, creating in them a sense that the Witness group is the only true family. It creates a dependance on the group, particularly for young members who are denied the chance to develop normal social interaction skills.

  • james_woods

    The bible is indeed strangely silent (and accepting) on the issue of slavery. Society itself had to end slavery (for the most part) without much ancient religious input.

    To be completely honest (unlike the nominally "pacifist" JWs) it is also silent on the subject of pacifism and the moral rejection of war.

  • PSacramento
    The bible is indeed strangely silent (and accepting) on the issue of slavery. Society itself had to end slavery (for the most part) without much ancient religious input.

    That is arguable, but what isn't is that the church SHOULD have been far more vocal and active against it that it was.

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