Aug.1 WT: God is not omnipresent, independent of physical universe, uses probes

by unshackled 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    A cross between Lee Marvin and Doctor Zaius from the original Planet of the Apes with Moses, er, Charleton Heston...

  • unshackled

    your Satan poster looks a lot like the old actor Lee Marvin

    james...funny you mention that. Who he looks like was discussed on this thread...

    I first thought Dennis Farina, then Lee Marvin too....but I think yknot nailed it with James Coburn.

  • james_woods

    Yup, but Lee Marvin could have played the part more convincingly.

    Wait, it was supposed to be Satan, right? (not Jehovah?)

  • unshackled

    Yeah supposed to be Satan. From the same brochure, he's looking more like Lee Marvin in this one...

  • unshackled

    they tried to say something else recently that was ridiculous: that he isn't omniscient! He didn't KNOW Adam and Eve would sin because, get this, he only looks into the future selectively! What the hell?!

    Pika Chu...right, I kinda remember that. Well of course...selective omniscience! Genius.

    Not sure it was related but I recall another analogy recently where they compared Jehovah's selectiveness in knowing all things to a PVR. Details hazy though.

  • james_woods
    He didn't KNOW Adam and Eve would sin because, get this, he only looks into the future selectively! What the hell?!

    A side topic to omnipresent - probably more related to all-knowing. This goes back a long time, and was a dilemna to the WT teachers:

    1) - Question: Did Adam & Eve have a real choice (free will) as to whether they would sin or not?

    JW answer to this is yes - they really had free will and chose to sin on their own.

    2) - Question: Did Jehovah know in advance they would sin?

    JW answer to this is no - because they had free will.

    3) - Question: But, isn't Jehovah ALL-KNOWING? So, how could he not know?

    Ridiculous JW answer to this: Well, Jehovah COULD have known, but he simply CHOSE not to look into the future so he would not know in advance.

    Leaving the obvious question to complete the vast JW theocracy recursion loop of nonsense:

    4) - Question: But, if Jehovah COULD have looked into the future and KNOWN they would sin, how could they really have had a free choice?

  • unshackled

    Good points James. Don't recall which poster made this point on another thread but it's a good one....

    So God gives Noah the ark dimensions and to start building. He also tells Noah to preach to save as many that would listen. Since Noah was already building the ark with preset dimensions....what would they have done if people had responded to the preaching on wanted on board?

    Did God already know that no one would respond? If so, why have Noah preach? If not, he didn't plan very well because if people responded Noah would've said to God . . .

  • undercover

    So God gives Noah the ark dimensions and to start building. He also tells Noah to preach to save as many that would listen. Since Noah was already building the ark with preset dimensions....what would they have done if people had responded to the preaching on wanted on board?

    I like the logic. It might make a JW squirm since you're analyzing their particular version of the story. Too bad their version isn't supported by scripture.

    Thing is...God never told Noah to preach. He gave him the specs, told him to build, load the animals (2 or 7 of each, depending on which verse you read), God shut the door and then the rains came. No mention of warning or preaching.

    God had already decided to destroy all but Noah and his family.

    As the written story goes anyway...

  • LongHairGal


    Sounds to me like they are starting to say that God is not as powerful as everybody has been led to think. Or at least that is what it sounds like where they are going with this. This may upset some people IMO.

  • undercover
    Sounds to me like they are starting to say that God is not as powerful as everybody has been led to think.

    That notion does stand to reason. If God was all powerful, he wouldn't need a puny group of men on earth as his channel of communication, he could do the job himself. By robbing God of some of his omni-this-or-that, it gives the GB more leverage to annoint themselves as God' spokesmen as directed by Holy Spirit. God needs them to fulfill the job on earth since God himself is not in the physical realm.

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