An open letter to the Governing Body: Go F*ck Yourselves.

by EntirelyPossible 103 Replies latest social family

  • EntirelyPossible

    You fail to appreciate God's blazing holiness and how evil/wicked/destructive man had become.

    I totally appreciate it. God gave people free will and when they used it, he killed them for it. I love how to discipline "destructive and wicked" people god destroyed and killed everything, including babies. Godrulz, I do how your children turn away your God. They need to turn to the true god, Allah, for salvation. Only then will they find favor and true life.

    The only question that remains, godrulz, is why you hate your children and teach them about that false god and to worship it rather than our true father, Allah?

    You are being WAY too kind to them. You need to toughen up a LOTabout that.

    True, but in my defense, it was late and I was tired.

    I do have a new idea. Have you seen "The Human Centipede"?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Oh, boy. Where do we begin? You have a right to be angry with GB. You don't have a right to blame them for your choices, including not investigating things more objectively and for personal lying

    And who the fuck are you, having never been a JW, to tell those who were what they do and don't have a right to be angry about? You weren't raised in a cult, nor did you have it beaten into you. Who are you speaking to about 'choices'? Go fuck yourself, too, you sanctimonious twit.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Hey Keyser, ever time I see you post, I imagine everything you write being said in Al Swearengen's voice.

    In life you have to do a lot of things you don’t fucking want to do. Many times, that’s what the fuck life is… one vile fucking task after another.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I'm trying to get in as many f-bombs as possible, even if I don't quite have the voice down.

  • troubledfiancee


    That was a well written, very touching story and a testament to the destructive power of mind control cults. Thanks so much for sharing and making yourself vulnerable, I sincerely hope it was therapeutic for you.

    It’s unfortunate your thread has been hijacked by the same type of narrow-minded individuals that you’ve freed yourself from at the Kingdom Hall. Religious fanaticism takes many forms. You shouldn’t be defending yourself here. You should be experiencing acceptance and compassion from peers who understand where you’re coming from and share similar backgrounds and experiences. I know I’m relatively new here, but please ignore those posters with an agenda…

    Best wishes for you and your family, and thanks again for sharing.


  • tec
    Hey Keyser, ever time I see you post, I imagine everything you write being said in Al Swearengen's voice.

    Oh no. Now its going to happen to me too.

    He's Blackbeard in the new Pirate's movie too.


  • EntirelyPossible

    I know. I've seen the new Pirates movie twice already (my kids LOVE Pirates).

    Imagine him saying something like "Gerritt Fucking Losch, if your venerable congregations sound like they're fuckin bleating when they talk, it might be cause you done fleeced them in the ass."

  • EntirelyPossible

    Update, had the kids for fathers day, had a great day. they want to stay with me an extra few days (can't, I have to go out of town) and they are watching the US open with me right now, both want to play golf on their high school team and get a college scholarship for it. One of them wants to be a pro player when he grows up.

    I might be winning...

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Great news EP!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Great post EP!

    You are very eloquent, in telling your story, in using angry talk and at masterful put downs.

    I really hope, for many of us, that the real love we have for our kids will save them from the lie.

    three cheers from me.


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