Jehovah helps Haiti earthquake victims ... by printing Bibles - 2011 YB

by just n from bethel 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    That Onion article is darkly hilarious:

    But when we rolled into town and people started running after the truck with those big smiles on their faces, I couldn't help but smile back."

    Clarkson added: "And when we opened up the back of the truck and they saw that it was full of Bibles... Grown men and women wept in front of their children. That's how moved they were by the Holy Spirit. That's how I know it's all been worth it."

  • sabastious
    If you torn a page from a Bible, you can roll from it a nice marijane joint. Now do you see the value of the gift?

    I haven't done that yet; for some reason I just don't have the heart to do it, lol.


  • Jomavrick

    Yes, blessed be he who prints many Bibles. It is the finger of G O D. Were these Miracle Bibles I wonder? You know that were edible and could be consumed by the starving children? Maybe by opening them water bottles suddenly appeared and the Hatians suffering from diseases were healed miraculously,,,,,

    Yes everything just came together and it was too perfect to have been coincendental! Praise the Lorda!

  • dgp

    You're being unfair to Jehovah's organization. As you can see, they never said that the Haitian people thanked them for the Bibles:

    Brother Splane, who speaks French [but not Creole?], addressed the brothers at a circuit assembly and met with the Bethel family, missionaries, and circuit overseers. All deeply appreciated his loving concern and the tender care of the Governing Body"

    "All" means "brothers, the Bethel family, missionaries and circuit overseers".

  • agonus

    Oh, thank Jehovah that David Splane was able to travel to Haiti and say a few words in French (He speaks another language... God, the guy must be MENSA material)! No doubt the whole country heaved a sigh of relief after this saintly, humble giant among men showed up to bless the nation with his presence. I'm sure that several spontaneous miracle healings occurred among brothers lucky enough to touch the fringe of his combover...

  • serenitynow!
    All deeply appreciated his loving concern and the tender care of the Governing Body"

    I missed this statement the first time I read this thread. Is there no end to the grandstanding of the gb? Way to give all glory to God!

  • serenitynow!
    Over and over, needed supplies, transportation, and personnel all came together at just the right time and in ways that were too perfect to have been merely coincidental.

    It seems that the writers are banking on the fact that your average JW has never heard of any charitable organizations like the Red Cross who are always front and center helping in a disaster.

    Also, why do they have the viewpoint that because an effort is highly organized, it must have God's blessing? Weren't the Nazi's organized?

  • jwfacts

    'You had to be here to appreciate how clearly Jehovah's hand was in evidence.'"

    The family members of the 154 witness victims may care to disagree.

  • agonus

    I guess you had to be there. It sure ain't coming across in this very, very vague-sounding prose...

    I understand the Sea Org is also highly efficient. Praise Xenu!

  • diamondiiz

    154 JWs died

    Obviously they were tested, not beyond what they could bare, they passed the test and are faithfully dead awaiting the resurrection in paradise earth which will happen real soon. The ones that survived also passed the test and were blessed with new bibles. The Lord works in mysterious ways, doesn't he?

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