Listen to God and Live - WICKED CHILDREN WILL DIE!

by dontplaceliterature 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dontplaceliterature

    On page 21, the picture on the left of an Armageddon scene clearly depicts children as among the "wicked" being destroyed by Jehovah.

    Isn't Jehovah awesome! Truely a God of love!

    (You'll find the .pdf linked in ynot's thread here:

  • pubtruth

    Cant wait to get my hands on the hard copy to show my mother.

  • jwfacts
  • agonus

    Well, this certainly isn't God. This isn't really even the "classical" Jehovah, let alone Watchtower Jehovah. This is Retarded "Jaracz Watchtower" Jehovah. If he wants to kill my kids, fine, let him. I'll see him in hell. This is so profoundly stupid and ridiculous it makes my hair follicles hurt.

  • bohm

    well put agonus.

    psychopatic religion.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Things like this used to terrify me as a child.

    I had nightmares because of these pictures and all the focus on avoiding demunz.

    I woke up screaming many nights.

  • AnthonyMorrisXIII

    The figures in the foreground of the picture (mid and right) just seem to be standing there, like hunched over penguins, waiting to be hit. Strange.

  • VM44

    Stupid Watchtower Destruction and Death Fantasy

    Mentally Diseased Watchtower!

  • LouBelle

    Amazing that they will accept that though and how we used too - those children would die because their parents failed them or some other bullshit reasoning. We were truly brainwashed - I mean even though it didn't make sense we would accept it - blows my mind. Marvelous we made it out at all!!!!

  • bohm

    Welcome AnthonyMorrisIII !

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