D8TA---Who am I?

by D8TA 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    Hello all. I'm D8TA. I live in the U.S. and was brought up as Jehovah Witness. Baptized at 13, DF'd at 16. Reinstated at 23 and 1 month after reinstated...WENT INACTIVE! Why? Between 17-23 I found out what the "truth" really was, and that the WTBTS DID NOT have it. I have a mother and sister who are still JW's and for the sake of making peace with "MY" family, I sought reinstatement to be able to even talk to them. I haven't attended a "meeting" in 7 years.

    Currently I'm a student, studying Cultural Anthropology/Archaeology. I came upon this msg board by accident really. I was doing research for a class on the Al-Quaida prisoners, what rights they have and such. Checking out the U.N. sight, looking thru their charters. While doing Web research, I caught a link from the Gaurdian pertaining to the WTBTS and it's involvement as an NGO. Which of cousrse led me on a day long tangent of looking up what that was all about. Annnnd....to make a long story short, found my way here.

    So, well met all...will be posting here, sharing ideas, opinions, and such.


  • moman

    Welcome, what info led to you leaving,Ray Franz C of C ?

  • nytelecom1

    you asked--who am I??

    Cultural Anthropology/Archaeology.

    u are

    what do i win?

  • outnfree


    Clever name!
    Welcome to the Board!

    It's an awesome place full of ALL SORTS ^^^ [8>] of characters, which you will (have?) quickly discover[ed].

    Lots to read from people who understand your past!


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • D8TA

    RE Moman Question:Welcome, what info led to you leaving,Ray Franz C of C ?

    No, actually, it was curiosity. Something that I found to be "discouraged" from when growing up in the organization. I had questions, and some questions were taboo to ask. I remember my mom, and sisters in Field Service even having the audacity of TELLING me not to even THINK such questions. That to doubt the "truth", oh my! GASP. With the typical reply of "Now do you want to die at Armageddon, doubting Jehovah's Organization?". What a mind trip on a kid, eh?

    Well, this type of response, only furthered my curiosity. Made me suspicious.

    At the age of 17 I met someone who went to a multi-denominational young adult group. As I attended the group, someone exposed me to a non-religous biased article of who Charles Taze Russel was. From there, I reasearched various sources of information on not only Charles Taze Russel but Rutherford, Knorr, Franz as well. Information that was OMITTED by the WTBTS. Little historical facts, and biographies. Then, I saw why so many "sisters & brothers" were discouraging my curiosity. And I pity them, because most of them dont even know the entire history or affilations of the people who started the WTBTS. And "blindly" follow what is presented to them, without question.

    In conclusion to my research on these people, and introductions to many doctrines and such...I pretty much saw the WTBTS for what it is. Just another "this is my point of view on God, and no one can disagree with me" organization.

    In fact, it wasn't untill a month ago that I happened upon Freeminds.org, and the situations with Randy Watters and Ray Franz. Just reinforced my heart that the WTBTS is not the "truth".


  • Utopiano Reformato
    Utopiano Reformato

    Welcome Aboard!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Welcome, D8TA, you affable albino android, you!

    We're a rag-tag crew of 'postates here, and of all flavors. We even have an apostate cat we call Fred Hall.

    I'd be interested in a biography of Naathan Knorr if you can give me a link.

    101 101 101 !!!
    (digital high fives!)

    By the way - as you've seen HTML coding doesn't work in these windows. At the bottom of the editing window you'll see two lines that say. "Add emoticons to your message" and "Use FORUM CODE in your message." You'll want to check out FORUM CODE.

  • D8TA

    RE: Nathan

    Thanks for the greeting.

    Yep yep, kinda weird how D8TA is going to get refrenced to that android in his quest to become "human". Funny thing is, I'm 30...D8TA has been with me since the glory days of BBS in the early 80's prior to Star Trek: The Next Generation. :)

    As far as a link, I'm sure all the ones I have are the ones you already know about. What I read when I was around 17/18 yrs. old and was from a book whose title escapes me at the moment. It was 13 years ago. But fear not, I still have access to resources on where to find it and will be making a trip this weekend coincidentally near the church I stumbled upon this. I'll do a swing by and do a run thru of thier library and locate that title for you. It's an amazing book. No-biased, non-religous. Just a factual view on WTBTS teachings, history, GB members and such. I'll try to get a post on it Sunday/Monday Evening.


  • D8TA

    Doh! And to add...I see you got his pic..Lol!


  • ashitaka

    Velcome to our home. I'm shure your stay here will be pleashant, here in Translyvania.


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