Any sins you got away with?

by fade_away 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Just went and confessed again. In a decade I'm up to 2500+ Hail Marys and 15 weeks of fasting. I guess I'm that person who looked at the purity test as a personal challenge.

    Shit What have you done? On second thoughts I don't want to know. I may score that in one week

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i just tried absolution online, but even missing mass is a sin there... and sacrilege too... no way i fast that much.

    but i only got 1151 hail marys and 54 our fathers along with 4 weeks of fasting. but that's maybe because i didn't value my sins all too serious.

  • fade_away

    sizemik, that is AWESOME! Giving a talk while you're stoned? That's epic.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Me personally, I never once felt guilty about "fooling around" with my JW soon-to-be wife.

    Anyways, before I start going off on a tangeant, let me say that my wife and I couldn't be happier together and we do not regret ANY of the stuff we did. Its been a year now, and NOBODY has found out at all.

    Unlike you, I felt guilty as hell! Approached an elder in my congo who basically didn't want to hear it or deal with it and kinda just sent me on my way....

    Wife & I today? Happy together and it's been over a year now too, just like you, well actually........... something like 25 years over a year.

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    I am in the same company as all of you who married a JW, I had almost same experience as Morbidz- I was also PISSED when hubby all of a sudden had a pang of guilt because he was just appointed a MS and went crazy- he remembered one time in his car when he was touching me thru my underwear and he thinks I orgasmed (I was faking it of course),

    we had the elders meeting but no official JC and no private reproof-

    sizemik wins though...stoned while giving your talk made me snort my drink out my nose- lol


  • JimmyPage

    Besides the apostate stuff? Gambled. Fornicated. Smoked cigarettes. Smoked weed. Got drunk. Voted. Celebrated birthdays and holidays. Viewed porn. Surely I'm leaving some stuff out... help me out, what else have I probably done? Oh, that's right. Went to a non-JW church.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    2 Pioneers Dry Humping before they got married.......

    Oh the Elders Knew.....

    The ....girl in the relationship felt guilty and confesed.....

    They told us.....

    just be careful ......the wedding is only 2 months away LMAO!!!!

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