How do you feel about illegals that lives here in the USA?

by Iamallcool 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut
    The New Georgia Law will not let her to look for work.

    Afterall, she is illegal. That's what that means.

    Even Mexico is harder on illegal immigrants than the United States. I thought it was such hypocrisy (legendary of JW levels) when Mexico's president complained about the U.S. passing laws that made things harder on illegal immigrants when his country had far worse laws.
    (Yes, Mexico has illegal immigrants from Central America and other places). If I went to Mexico legally, I would have difficulty owning property and/or working.

    I am a world citizen before I am a U.S. citizen. I want people in China or Mexico to have jobs, so I don't worry about where everything I buy is made, but just as other countries have tariffs on imported goods or strict immigration laws, I get that this is to protect the citizens' jobs. It is only legal citizens of a country that vote and most don't work under the table so they are the ones that pay the income taxes.

  • garyneal

    Well, you know your girlfriend's intentions better than I do. Personally, I think I was always skeptical about the idea of marrying a foriegner, unless she came from a more developed country (like say one of the European countries). How would I know she wasn't being opportunistic? Though I don't say this too often, I think asian women are on average, smarter, have more old fashioned values, and are very beautiful. However, that could just be more the stereotype than anything else. In spite of the opportunities I had in meeting and marrying one of these girls, I always wondered if it was best. I ended up marrying a black woman who was born in the same city as I (not to mention her being a Jehovah's Witness).

    I want people in China or Mexico to have jobs, so I don't worry about where everything I buy is made, but just as other countries have tariffs on imported goods or strict immigration laws, I get that this is to protect the citizens' jobs.

    I would imagine that there is going to be a day of reckoning concerning all these cheap Chinese goods being imported in our country at the cost of good paying American jobs. Companies that operate in China don't have our labor and environmental laws to contend with, so they pay thier people a dollar an hour and get away with it.

  • 1975

    Excuse me, I said, this is Native Indian land, who are the intruders?


  • finallyfree!

    who will provide the slave labour to cater to the ever increasing appetite of us developed countries for cheap goods and services? arent we all lookin for the best deal? we are all to blame.

    the capitalist pigs who hire these illegal immigrants get richer because they are in cahootz with the politicians in charge of inking any type of change whatsoever. its a vicious wheel and the more illegal immigrants there are the better it is for these types of corporations who then turn around and sell their cheap-ass products and services back to these same people who cant afford anything else but are multiplying rapidly.

    i also feel very strongly about how one poster put it why dont we send our troops to take care of this problem? because change must come from the top of a corrupt mafia aka our government. its true! why dont we see tens of thousands of soldiers mobilized to help victims of severe flooding in lake champlain? we can send our whole army to the other end of the earth to blow shit up but we cant send em to take care of our own country

  • 1975

    Excuse me, we are all immigrnats, This is Native American Land that we reside on. Why are so presumptous to think it's out land?


  • garyneal
    Excuse me, I said, this is Native Indian land, who are the intruders?

    So what is the answer then? Perhaps all people in America save for the Native Americans (and perhaps the African Americans since their ancestors were brought here against their will) should be sent back home to their countries of origin.

  • garyneal
    Why are so presumptous to think it's out land?

    I would imagine that every country on Earth was 'invaded' by outsiders in some form or another. As OTWO pointed out, Mexico has tougher immigration laws than the U.S.. Yet, if memory serves me correctly, the Spanish conquerors came over here first and took Mexico, Central, and South America. Why are they presumptious to think it is their land?

  • ssn587

    I have no empathy for them, kick their asses out of our country, there are many people who are trying to come here legally and can't because of the influx of neerdowells from south of the border. Kick them out let them come here legally, it is bullshit that others who desire to come here and have education and experience that would be a big help to this country can't come for years. Others who desire nothing but to visit this country to see family that came here legally can't do the onerous conditions to come.

    I blame the illegals too, they know they are coming here illegally, you really think they are going to end up good citizens when they don't have any respect for our laws to begin with.?


  • moshe

    I blame the employers!! The greedy bastards decided they could make a lot more money paying 50% less wages and they off-loaded the social welfare costs of those illegal workers onto the backs of regular tax paying workers!- a double win for them.

    The only solution I see for illegal immigration is a national biometrics ID card - for employment, education and government services, with stiff penalties for employers who employ anyone without this card.

  • RubaDub
    Am I planning to marry her? I do not know at this time.

    If marriage is not your ultimate goal, then why would you be putting yourself into this position? Many in the world view dating as mere recreation. However, true Christians recognize that the purpose of dating is to find a marriage mate and provide spiritual encouragement to each other.

    I think you need to discuss this with a spiritually mature brother in the congregation.

    We are glad that you are cognizant of your spiritual needs and many of us are here to assist the weak ones among us.

    Rub a Dub

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