I've Decided That It'll Be Best For Me To Return To The Kingdom Hall.

by Philadelphia Ponos 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • Glander
  • mindseye

    After carefully evaluating the my current life situation, I've come to the conclusion that returning to the Hall will be best for me. I simply just don't fit in with the rest of the world. I don't drink, smoke, have sex, go to clubs, listen to worldly music, watch movies, or gamble. (Although not to seem self righteous I must confess that on ocassion I do look at pornography

    Well at least you have 1 out of 8. In all seriousness, though, I'm guessing that you're either rather young or inexperienced in life (I don't mean this to be condescending, I relate because I was the same way for a long time). Basing your view of the 'world' after some roughneck guys you work with is simplistic. I relate to that experience because I grew up in the south, where many guys have this macho attitude and hard drinking lifestyle. But I left the country and went to college, where I met people from all walks of life. I've met people who are atheists who do not do any of the things above. I've also met good people from various religions, including non-Christian ones. And there's always pricks from every background, it's just human nature.

    The reality is if you want to go back you will find a way. The knee jerk reaction on this board is to discourage ones from going back. But in my experience some individuals 'need' the JW religion, because honestly they know no other way to function. I find this sad, but I also realize my path is not for everyone. And if you are truly happy as a witness, than more power to you! Just realize that there's a wonderful complex world of experiences and ideas out here that you have access to, and unlike the JW religion, the door is never closed and you are never shunned.

  • godrulz

    Why would one go back to a suicide cult that puts your life on the line over blood? Why would one go back to a God-dishonoring group that puts your eternity on the line?

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    When I was a JW I had peace in my life, even after I came to the conclusion that it wasn't God's organization. Since I left however I haven't been able to regain that peace. I know it's illogical to think I can only gain peace and happiness by being a JW, but my life has become so bad right now that I'm suffering from a severe case of nostalgia. I feel like I need to retrace the steps I took after I left and find out what I did wrong.

  • ABibleStudent

    After carefully evaluating the my current life situation, I've come to the conclusion that returning to the Hall will be best for me. I simply just don't fit in with the rest of the world. I don't drink, smoke, have sex, go to clubs, listen to worldly music, watch movies, or gamble. (Although not to seem self righteous I must confess that on ocassion I do look at pornography .) I've been stressed out from my job for the past few months from working with a bunch of rauchy blue collar guys.

    - Philadelphia Ponos

    Hi Philadelphia Ponos, I hope that you do find peace and happiness in your life no matter what you decided. I do feel that you will be limiting your options by being a JW. If the guys at work are bothering you, you should may be find another job, ask your boss about assigning you with more compatible co-workers, and/or taking classes to help you get a job where you work with more educated people. I have worked with blue collar people and they do like to talk about many of the things that you mentioned, but going back to the KH will not fix the crux of your issue. What do you like to do? How many friends do you have? What do your friends like to do? If you want to meet more religious people, checkout a local church or www.meetup.com to meet people with similiar interests. Whatever you decide good-luck and I hope that you continue to visit this forum.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • DesirousOfChange

    DesirousOfChange: Interview a few members of mainstream religions. You'll quickly discover that most religions are not apocalyptic, millenarian, destructive mind-control cults. People can come and go as they please, choosing one denomination over another, without radical changes to their social circle and their family status.

    Tho not actually "interviewed", I have been involved in some social groups where I have met and become very good friends with several persons who are devout in their beliefs (of various other religious demoninations), including even a Catholic priest. Not only have I seen that they are truly "good" people, but they are less judgemental, just as sincere, kind and loving as most anyone I have known among JWs. Certainly, they do not deserve everlasting destruction just because they have not bought into a small religious sect. They are not just religious people, but are spiritual minded people, who believe they are doing all they can for what is good for themselves, their family & friends, and others in general. How could they ever be considered among the "wicked" who will be destroyed, I cannot imagine.

  • Mary
    Since I left however I haven't been able to regain that peace. I know it's illogical to think I can only gain peace and happiness by being a JW, but my life has become so bad right now that I'm suffering from a severe case of nostalgia.

    The reason you are probably finding it so difficult right now is because Witnesses are not trained to have a realistic view of the world, nor are you allowed to develop a moral compass within yourself to determine how to live your life. It's all done for you, courtesy of the Watchtower. Therefore, when someone leaves the Organization without the proper mental and emotional tools, some find it incredibly difficult to 'make it' out there in the real world and they start looking back at the KH with 'nostalgia'. It's kind of like a woman who decides to leave an abusive husband, but who has no marketable skills with which she can utilize to support herself with and if she's never worked outside the home, it's doubley difficult. She may take a lousy job just to support herself and soon she starts thinking back with nostalgia to the nice home she might have had with her husband, the car, the security of having someone there.....suddenly, life with an abuser doesn't seem so bad and she thinks about going back to him because that's all she knows and it's what feels comfortable to her. How is what you're doing any different?

  • Ding

    Hi Philadelphia,

    I have found peace through Christ without the Watchtower.

    So have many others.

    You can too.

    If you'd like to discuss that possibility before going back to the Kingdom Hall, please PM me.

  • steve2

    Anniegirl176 said

    Dear Philly,
    I am saddened by your decision to return, but even more so by the responses you have received here. This is supposed to be a place for support,

    Huh? Saddened by the response PP has received?? Oh dear, I feel shamed into apologizing. Not.

    Hey Annie, this is an open forum and the last time I checked, no poster on this thread has violated any of the guidelines for posting. PP initiated this thread and it has elicited lots of questions and comments. That's healthy, surely. So, some have offered more frank advice and responses - and even used some irreverent humor - which seems to exceed your expectations for a seemingly limited range you might consider "supportive". Just a not-so-gentle reminder that this is not the JWs or another similar "organized" and "uniform" group of people but the heart felt responses of a wide range of people who are speaking honestly and genuniely from their experience. There are plenty of things in life that warrant the human response of sadness - but, please, the variety of intelligent responses in this lively thread is not one of them.

  • jonathan dough

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