A DOUBLE LIFE - What's the worst case you've seen

by sizemik 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • label licker
    label licker

    We had a po in our last hall who knew of a brother who was living commonlaw with a worldly woman and decides to give a local needs on marrying only in the lord. This is also the same idiot brother who had been seeking out prostitutes for the last twelve years of his marriage so he didn't even have a scriptural divorce and that same po knew about all of this. The brother got df'd and and reinstated within three months. This same po also had a son who tried to out race the cops on highway 400. It was all over the news, radio and newspapers. The po had to step aside. He was removed and three months later and under a new co this brother was made an ms.

    The po before this one had lied about his two sons not doing anything bad and they had gotton the greenlight to go to bethel. While they were in bethel someone sent nude pictures of them that they had plastered on their facebook and sent them into bethel. They got the boot and finally this drunken elder got removed from po to just regular ole elder. This same idiot elder and his wife had the nerve to go up on the assembly stage and say how they don't allow their kids to go to concerts and just a month before the assembley the whole family were at a Van Halen concert with one guy in front of them and one guy behind them smoking pot. Even the elders brother came up to me at the assembly and was shocked that his brother could have the nerve to speak out both sides of his mouth. That's all we saw was hypocrasie, lies ect...

    Just take a look at one of my threads and what the elders did to us with our jc. And this was at another hall after we left the crap from our last hall!

  • snare&racket

    The governing body, treasury and legal dept and mostly the writing dept.

  • mercedes_29

    An exremely pompous PO from the other congragation that shared our hall was living quite the double life. He lorded his "power" as an elder over everyboy. His kids were always getting special privileges in the hall and parts in assemblies. His wife was the chief elderette. Turns out he had a mistress set up in an apartment the whole time he had been an elder. Just more proof that Holy Spirit is directing the appointment of elders.

  • jam

    A well known elder had a mistrees on the side for years and I mean years (20 some

    years). Then there was the case where a elder daughter worked in a place where

    she dance around or with a pole and he knew it.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Yep, an elder in my lasy cong, mid 40's, been with his wife since high school, gave talks on marriage etc and talk on dc. They had no kids and couldn't conceive so he put her thru ivf to make babies. She had two girls, and all the time he was making family with his wife he had a woman on the side, and she even came to the dc to hear his talk. He also embezzled from the contribution box, and a sister caught him but they disfellowshipped her for lying...and he swore like a trooper at his work and embezzled there as well. He lost that job but got another.

    Eventually be was caught after 5 years with the other woman while his kids were about 2and 4...dfd. rocked the congregation. I had also known an elder and Pioneer who had been the exemplary family always interviewed who had been conning brothers... Got stepped down as elder but not dfd, moved interstate. Made me start wondering if the whole org was rotten in the core like these two creeps, and boy was I right.

  • doofdaddy

    There was a guy who became a jw around the time I did. We became fast friends via surfing etc. Over the years we both got married and had kids. I was always amazed how he had a such a comfortable lifestyle. Money was never an issue. I also wondered why he knocked back" privileges" as the elders seeing he was such a good business man would make a great ms or elder..... We lost contact.

    20 yrs go past and we both also end up out and so does the (real) truth. He was growing massive amounts of hydro marijuana the whole time!! Marketing via family connections. Legend!!

  • 3rdgen

    I had a close JW friend in High school whose father was handsome, smart, and wealthy. He was a captivating speaker and an appointed servant. Nobody was sure what exactly he did for a living but he was out of town a lot for work. Her mother was a beautiful lady with quiet elegance unlike anyone i had seen at a KH. My friend was one of 5 children, 3 still at home. One day sister H******** got a call that her husband had been in a car accident several hundred miles from home. She rushed down there to be by his side. When she arrived at the hospital and said she was Mrs. H looking for her husband, the nurses told her that Mrs H. was ALREADY there. What???? Turns out that this "brother" was a bigamist and had another complete non-JW family!!!Not only that, but it came out that his money came from a furniture theft ring. He had people hijacking furniture trucks and then he would buy the stuff pennies on the dollar then "resale" the merchandise at his store in the Bay area. My frend's mother divorced him and moved out of town taking her kids with her. I always wondered how they turned out.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    That reminds me of the pedo brother who was caught having an affair with another married sister...how he was caught was he was with her while his wife was dying in hospital after a car accident...probably would have lived if she took blood...and his daughter also was in the accident n spent 3 months in hospital.

  • sizemik

    I don't visit much these days. So, nice to see this old thread getting another chapter.

    Although it's mostly wanton human carnage, kind of like coming across a car wreck ... nasty stuff, but you just can't look away.

    Going back 20 years I remember this quite popular brother. Popular, mostly on account of being fairly wealthy. He was the big wheel businessman - travelling frequently, smart dresser, big spender (with approved associates). Flash boat, car, house, you get the picture. "Friends" would be shouted all-expenses overseas holidays. All his employees (6 or 8 at any time) were JW's. He made himself popular with many Elders the same age group (employed some). I never liked him and he knew it (because I told him once).

    I wasn't privy to or even interested in the details at the time, but it transpired he was a frequent patron of high-class, mid-class, streetwalking and two-bit hookers - wherever they might be found . . . for 12 years! Sooner or later one of them is bound to show up at an assembly or something. Facial recognition does the rest.

    He was DF'd and reinstated in 6 months. He sat alone at the KH, but away from it was no different from before. What was amusing was how those "friends" all responded to his outing ... like startled ship rats wondering which end of the rope to run to. They were more relieved after the 6 months was up than he was.

    His wife stayed with him. Her head hung for a lot longer than his did. Then she got pregnant and all was forgotten.

  • Phizzy

    Don't think I posted this earlier, but I vaguely knew a Pioneer, back in the sixties, lost touch. Heard he was seen, in the early seventies, dressed in a peculiar way, with lipstick on, picking up men in Central London, and still a Reg Pio at the time !

    Weird ! Not the fact that he was gay, but the double life thing.

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