District Assembly time...let the whining begin.

by scooterspank 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cantleave

    What about this type of whining?

    "Stupid cult WT$ is going to have yet another convention brainwashing session this year. Expect more BS about obeying the GB, more cult rags and Kool-Aid released. They should change the theme of the convention too,"OBEY THE SLAVE!!!" Hey man this convention is gonna be the BEST ONE EVER even though five minutes after its over theyll all forget the subject and anything that was said."

    Stand firm that isn't whining, it's statement of fact.

  • teel

    Thanks Baltar, found it, I know where my old congo is assigned. Middle of July... hmm, it sounds like a nice weekend for relaxing under the sun with a cold beer... nice to be free

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Or a nice weekend for slipping into the old K.H. and removing your personal files.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    Oh my, Mad Sweeney. You're a mad genius. Now how do I get in to a windowless building with an alarm system...

  • BluesBrother

    Given that they are commanded invited to sit for three days in a football stadium that is built for one afternoon's use, the females have to que for the sub standard toilets, there is not even a cup of tea made available for the delegates, they start early on coaches because car parking is restricted, etc etc - I am sure that they are entitled to whine in private, while keeping up a kingdom smile among the others !

  • MrFreeze

    LF, I still have my KH key ;)

  • sd-7
    Now how do I get in to a windowless building with an alarm system...

    Well, depends on who you know! If that uber-elder was stupid enough to make the Watchtower's first year published as the alarm code, then all you need to do is find a way in, and after that, you're set!

    Whining? My only complaint when I was in was that I didn't get enough rest after the program to be able to pay attention to every part. Funny, huh? Now, well...I won't get into that. But I'm still excited about the new releases, as much as I'll hate the entire program and all. I mean, I've got to know if there'll be two chapters on masturbation in the updated Young People Ask book! That was how I figured out it was wrong, and the beginning of a 16 year war to defeat it!

    Hmm. But don't worry. It'll be fine. Just...take good notes, and whatever you do, don't fall asleep. It's like that episode of 'Justice League' where that one bad guy who could trap you in a nightmare got all the members of the Justice League after they fell asleep except for Batman. Great episode. Anyway, it's going to be great! Really!


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