Damn You Autocorrect!!

by Morbidzbaby 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Violia

    For example, I just made a post here and was spelling right and hit an extra key and it came out righft. You would think spell check could figure out I meant right, but No they substitute rift, and even Bigfoot was on the list.

  • jamiebowers

    Marking to read these to my husband in the morning.

  • Snowboarder

    Thanks this is priceless i read this before my watchtower study and it beats anything, sure is good to make you laugh, it looks like apple has a secert agenda, i got once a bad auto correct message from someone "let's met at sex" it was really let's met at six. i was like what? WTF? i was so speechless, Now back to the watchtower, that talk about am i ready? no Prove yourself ready? i should totally say at the meeting I'm ready to snowboard now and come in my board clothes. after reading that i really want to laugh more, not read this boring stuff

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    So funny!

    My college professors told us that spell/grammar check can't think for us, so we still have to read over what we write.


    I'm on page 31 of 81. I have to make myself go to bed here...What a great site to go on when you need a pick me up!

    Hey WhiteDove! How u doin?

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