Rapture Update Reminders: Update email, and inform job during your absence

by Quarterback 2 Replies latest social humour

  • Quarterback

    Please help me update this list. What else should we be reminded of?

  • rebel8

    <1 hr to go for rapture in my time zone. I didn't bother cooking dinner. I figure I will just wait until 6:05 then break into the neighbors' homes and eat whatever they left in their fridge.

    I am certain to be left behind, having not repented for eating shellfish and not spending time in a separate hut during my unclean Auntie Flo times.

    I don't know of any reminders but here is something I wish I had done this morning.

  • Quarterback

    That's hilarious Rebel8.

    Read your bios, you deserve a big applaus for accomplishing alot with the treatment that you got.

    Thanks for responding to this posting too. I guess there are too many Rapture postings to respond to, eh

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