Just wondering ....

by talesin 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Hey, Midwich :) ... yellow eyes, so you are a 'golden eye', I googled, and must read that book.

    LKL -- powerful! another book for my list.

    tx, peeps!


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I chose nancy Drew because I loved the ND books when i was a young girl and I wanted her life traveling around solving mysteries and she was smart, beautiful and life just seemed to go right for her.

    It was a fantasy choice.

  • mummatron

    I'm a big fan of the old arcade game, Robotron 2084 (and the parody, Llamatron for that matter).

    infallible logic

    The force of ground roving unit network terminator robotrons seek to destroy you


    Sounds like a pack of Bible-study eager JWs on a quest to brainwash and convert, doesn't it? LOL

    There's a Mummy/Mommy character in the game, and I am a mother and had previously been programmed by the bOrg, hence MUMMATRON!

  • Jadeen

    I really like jade, the stone, in jewelry, carved pieces, etc. There was some kind of superstitious bs reason why jws weren't supposed to wear jade, so I wanted it for my user name. It was already taken, so I just added "-en" to it.

  • talesin

    What's your handle, and what does it mean?

    Si many new members, and so little time! Tell us, what does your screen name signify? : )

  • Vanderhoven7

    Vanderhoven was the name my Dad was born with; changed (reduced) by my Grandfather when my Dad was a boy to avoid teasing. "Vander" means "of the" and "hoven" means "courts". So some of my ancestors might just have been kings, lawyers or court jesters; probably the latter. ;^)

  • talesin

    Hey, Van. You are in PQ? I am only a few hours' drive away....... I know it will never happen, but would love to meet you. xx tal

    PS to SIMON- (and I'm sure this will be DELETED, are you happy with your new role as censor?)

    Tried to send this PM to Cofty, but you have disabled my PM.............. thanks, after over 10 years of being a member,and flagging trolls, and having your back.

    YOU are being a real ARSEHOLE.

    Here's the messageI I was TRYING to send to your "new friend", who has lied and stabbed you in the back .. but I guess that's okay, since you're both Brits and both ex-ELDERS .............

    I hope you are happy. We could have shared space,and helped a lot of people. instead, ,you persist with your agenda of hate. I feel sorry for Simon,that he has fallen for your lies, after all the things you said behind his back.


  • oppostate

    Oppostate = opposed + apostate.

    although, I consider myself more opposed to the WT than an apostate, heck, I left Catholicism as a youngster when my family started studying with the Witnesses, I guess that I was an apostate when I became a JW.

    Hmmm. suddenly I find myself pondering how similar the JW religion is becoming to Roman Catholicism.

  • talesin

    Oh, by the way, screenshots SAVED, along with many other screen shots you have deleted. I think you need to sit back and consider .............. are you still here to help? Or are you on a power trip? It's sad .....

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    When I was a youngster in my teens I considered my self to be open minded. Well I opened my mind up too far and let in the JW cult. It flew in, set up housekeeping and shut the door for 40 years. I am gradually reopening my mind to all the possibilities I missed. Just that now I am more cautious.

    Reopened Mind

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