Is May 21st the Judgement Day?

by witnessofjesus 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • witnessofjesus

    What You Need to Know About Date Setting by Dr. H.L. Willmington
    No doubt one of the most anticipated day thus far in this century was Friday, April 29, when William and Kate were married at Westminster Abbey in London. Literally hundreds of millions viewed this around the world. But according to an 89-year old former civil engineer by the name of Harold Camping , there is another day that, in his opinion, will be more significant than any other in all of human history! On that day, Saturday, May 21, 2011, at 6:00 PM sharp Pacific Standard Time, Jesus Himself will return and the Rapture will occur! His, of course, is only one of many false prophecies in regard to Jesus' return. He also predicted the same thing in 1994. Click here to find out more.

    Past False Prophecies

    2800 B.C.: The oldest surviving prediction of the world's imminent demise was found inscribed upon an Assyrian clay tablet which stated, “Our earth is degenerate in these latter days . There are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end. Bribery and corruption are common.” Wherever more than two people over 30 are gathered together, expect to hear remarkably similar sentiments.

    Second Century A.D.: The Montanists, founded around A.D. 155 by a man called Montanus, were perhaps the first recognizable Christian end-of-the-world cult. They believed that Christ's triumphant return was imminent and established a base in Anatolia (699 A.D), central Turkey, where they anxiously waited for doomsday.

    1284: Pope Innocent III predicted Christ's second coming would occur in this year. He based his prediction on the date of the inception of the Muslim faith, then added 666 years to that.

    February 1, 1524: Panicked by predictions made by a group of London astrologers, some 20,000 people abandoned their homes and fled to high ground in anticipation of a second great flood that was predicted to start from the Thames.

    1556: Martin Luther felt this might be the year.

    1715: Isaac Newton thought Christ would return.

    1792: Shakers predicted the end of the world.

    1914: Jehovah's Witnesses have set several dates for the prophetic end-1914, 1915, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1975, and 1994.

    1844: Baptist preacher William Miller predicted Jesus would return to upstate New York on October 22 , 1844. This became known in American history as the “ Great Disappointment .”

    1988: There was even a major book titled 88 Reasons Why Christ Will Return in 1988, by Edgar Whisenant. The following year he published 89 Reasons Why Christ Will Return in 1989, claiming to have been slightly off on his calculations. Make that twice.

    Well, how does God view all this nonsense? Actually, His Son provided the answer some 2,000 years ago!

    • Matt. 25:13, ESV
      “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”
    • Mark 13:32, 33
      “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven , nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come.”

    By the way, the Father already has that day marked on His heavenly calendar!

    • Acts 17:31 , ESV
      “Because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”

    Copyright©2011 Dr. H. L. Willmington Founder & Dean, Willmington School of the Bible Founder & Dean, Liberty Home Bible Institute Liberty University

  • Magwitch

    I am throwing a big birthday party on the 22nd. Should I hold off buying all the goodies?

  • MrFreeze

    Party at my place on the 20th!

  • mrsjones5

    On my calendar May 21 is Armed Forces Day (US).

  • leavingwt

    I'm looking forward to May 22nd. I'm calling it, "laugh at false prophets day".

  • WTWizard

    I doubt divine judgment is going to happen on that day. It is Saturday, and things are still going to be pretty much as before.

    And, if the dollar is to become toilet paper on that day, I don't think May 21 is going to be the day. You have precious metal contracts expiring on May 20, so I expect they will continue being driven down (along with all commodities). Once those contracts expire, I am expecting those prices to go right back up. But, for the dollar to become toilet paper, someone is going to dump huge quantities of Treasury notes on the market after a bad auction. Is there a Treasury auction scheduled for May 20 or 21? If not, it will probably be later--but I am expecting it soon. However, that in no way reflects God's judgment on mankind. Just what you get when you try and rip people off from the value of their earnings.

  • Larsinger58

    May 21 may or may not be a date of Biblical signifcance, and certainly not everything that is expected. However, at this point anyone claiming to be inspired of God regarding an impending "judgment day" or "end of the world" has to be taken seriously or at least given attention since the Bible says that before God carries out a major destruction, he informs his prophets. The Bible says he does not do anything without first notifying his prophets. Harold Camping and others focus on that very concept.

    So let's say May21st doesn't pan out as any "judgment day" scenario. Sometime before the actual event of Armageddon, Jehovah will use some "prophet organization" to prophecy about that event. This is a pretty big notification and it is worldwide. If this is NOT going to trigger the great tribulation leading into Armageddon, then one would think a similar and equal or bigger campaign would announce the real event.

    In the meantime, if something does happen on May 21 or before, the current notification would serve as the sufficient legal notice to the world.

    The only LEGAL qualification is that they claim this is a date inspired by God.

    Will the RAPTURE happen? No. The rapture is an event that occurs after the 1000-year reign and after Judgment Day. So the details of what is happening on May 21st are clearly not accurate. But it doesn't have to be. If the "great tribulation" begins around May 21st, then that part of the prophecy would be fulfilled. So though no rapture will take place, at least not literally, maybe on some level spiritually, the beginning of the great tribulation could be considered a day of "judgment" since at that point no chance for salvation for anyone not already marked will be in effect.

    Keepin mind what is prophesied to occur just before Armageddon.

    1. Babylon the Great must be destroyed by the U.N. then take over world rule.

    2. The U.N. will rule the world as the 8th king for at least 15 months (i.e. a "time and a season").

    3. Then Armageddon will begin, the final confrontation between the U.N. and Christ.

    We shall soon see if Jehovah has inspired this warning.

    As far as Christ arriving at this time, Armageddon has always been a date left to God's own jurisdiction. But the year of the second coming was 1992-1993, an event that has already occurred. But that's another reason to pay attention to all warnings claimed to be from God about the end of the world or judgment Day, because it soon will be 20 years after the 2nd coming and Satan was said to be cast out of heaven and down to the earth for just a "short while." 20 years is half a generation. A luni-solar cycle is 19 years. So anticipation is heightened, particularly for a warning this big, keeping in mind the WTS is now apostate and thus not being used to put forth any messages from Jehovah.

    he appeal of Camping is that he is not trying to draw people onto himself nor does he have any church to join, but he encourates individual relationships with God. That's rather profound and certainly more "inspired" that what we see coming out of the Tower of Darkness.

    Will May 21 become a significant date in Bible history? We shall soon see!


  • skeeter1

    Does this mean I shouldn't have paid my mortgage this past month?


  • ziddina

    Is May 21st the Judgement Day?

    In a word...


    Hope that answers your question...

    Zid the She-Devil

  • MrFreeze

    I like how Lars always mocks other false prophets. Considering he is one himself.

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