Your Disfellowshipping Experience

by 1975 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers

    I was relieved. It closed a long chapter of my life that was filled with terror and violence that was so bad that dying at Armageddon seemed like sweet relief.

  • Magwitch

    I had not been to a meeting in 2 years. I wrote the body of elders to let them know my ex had grounds to remarry. They really desired the details; however I refused to ever show up for a committee meeting. The first committee gave up on me after I did not show up for a couple of meetings scheduled. They formed a new committee that started to harass me and schedule unattended committee meetings. I truly believe the first two committees did not want to DF me because not only were we all very good friends, but they were aware that a huge part of my leaving the Org was because my elder husband was a complete hypocrite that totally ignored his wife and daughters. A third committee was formed this time by elders that I did not know well at all. One being 28 years old, another one a couple years younger than me and third one who was only just appointed as an elder. I did not show for their committee and they promptly sent me certified letters that I never signed for. I learned through the grape vine that my name had been read at a service meeting.

    I am so happy to be out.

  • viva

    It wasn't possible for me to fade, so I readily admited to a fraction of the double life I had been living for years. I told an elder who called to check on me he better get a JC together, he wanted to talk to me first, so I did and told him I was in a relationship with a "worldly" girl. At the JC, I admitted a bit more but on my terms. They pressed for details about the relationship, I told them I we had sex 2 time......most every least......for a couple months. They pressed for details and I told them they didn't need to know any more. I told them I drink to excess, associate with worldly people, engage in "thrill sports", accept evolution, don't accept the bible as god's word (when they asked why I didn't bring a bible, they really didn't like that), etc. Didn't take them long to decide to DF, and I have never been back. It was a huge relief.

  • 1975

    You did the right thing. I hope others get to read your experience. The eldership arrangement is such a joke, young inexperience kids making decisions for older people.


  • Iconoclast

    "So, what you're saying, Viva, is that you do not want to remain a witness?"

  • RagingBull

    WELL... WHEN I finally decide to leave for good, (should be within the next year. I have to get things in order b/c my wife...if she were a man would be a C.O. b/c she's a die hard R&F)...I will not give the "Elders/Society" any power over me or my life any more. JC meetings? Nope! Want to talk to me as a "friend and not an elder"? NOPE!...I will just fade and stay away until they read my name off. If the Mrs decided to leave due to "spiritual danger" or whatever they call it, she can move in with her mother...and I'd take things as they come. (hopefully one day she'll see the light...but I doubt it)

    Once I am out...I WILL find other "apostates" and we'll hang out. Maybe one Saturday a month we'll ride around the suburbs with anti-JW flyers (with quotes from WTs and links to here and freeminds and silentlambs) and work streets that we find JWs on. Presentation? I guess "Do you know the truth about JWs? Here's a flyer! its really free! no donation needed, its a public service we're doing"

    On Memorial Night...we'd wear our suits, go to some random KH, and partake of the emblems

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