What percentage of young ones are leaving the JW's???

by karter 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JRK

    A useful rabid? I see that the Awake! is still the equivelant of a college education!


  • JRK

  • metatron

    Re -read that apologist post and consider what I've been saying for some time: this organization is in deep trouble because it is undergoing a severe brain drain. It may reach a point where it can't function anymore.


  • DesirousOfChange

    i was born a jw, till now I'm still strong in my faith,

    happily we are 10 children mom and dad make it 12 now we have 3 elders

    and all my family are still saving Jehovah happily.

    believe it or not the joy you find in serving Jehovah is something you cant find anywhere ears .

    no one is deprive or deprived not to have friends or be like a young boy or girl

    if you follow bible principal you will kn that everything writhing there is for our benefit,

    such as respect your father and mother it benefit you if you follow that instruction so also

    if you respect your creator it benefit you not your God,

    though it makes your God Jehovah happy to see you are a good child.

    jw or not i never see any man who tell his kids to keep following bad gangs or bad friends.

    for me though I'm not the most obedient son ,when i was young i use to ask why is my father so careful about were we go and who we make friends with,

    but happily i was wise enough to read my bible personal and see that bad association spoil a useful rabid.my advice for children is keep studding the bible to see why your parent ask you to chose your friends wisely.

    IS THIS A FREAKING JOKE ABOUT HOW UN-EDUCATED JWs ARE???? Or just a JDub who was home "schooled"?(NOT)

  • chickpea

    my 4 offspring are all out.... and it was their exits that
    helped me find the door, so thank you babies!!! <3

  • tenyearsafter

    According to the Pew Report, JW's had the lowest retention rate of any religion in the U.S. at 37% compared to highest rated Hindus retained 84% of their raised in, followed by Jews at 76% and Mormons with a retention rate of 70%. Even the much maligned Catholic Church retains 68% of their raised in members.

    A couple of other handy facts from the same Pew Report:

    1) JWs are tied for second place for a majority of females in the faith. 60% are female!! (first place are Hindus with 61%)

    2) 42% make less than $30,000. This is the second HIGHEST percentage of the poorest cohort of all faiths!

    3) JWs have the LOWEST percentage of college graduates and post-graduates of any faith surveyed! (no surprise there).

    Though they may be growing at a higher rate than average, JW's cannot hang on to their most important legacy, their children.

  • SirNose586

    Hang on before we beat up on amadisimon--maybe English isn't this poster's first language.

    Well, let's see if I can remember some local stats of who's still in or not...

    Immediate family: 0 for 2 still in.

    There is a larger family who I've known for quite some time, with two boys and three girls. I was friends with the oldest boy until late last year, and I had a crush on his younger sister (the youngest of the three) for a time. Those two are definitely not in. The youngest boy is probably not in. The eldest daughter I have not seen in many years, and I don't think she's in. At worst it's 0 for 5, at best maybe 1 for 5 still in.

    Then I can think of two families with one boy and one girl each who have all the kids still in.

    Then another family with two boys and a girl, at best the youngest son is still in. Maybe he's left too, I don't know.

    It's pretty hazy since I haven't been in contact with most of these people in a long while. The only conclusion I can draw from this quick exercise is that you're somewhat more likely to be out of the org than in, if you were born in.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    happily we are 10 children mom and dad make it 12 now we have 3 elders

    and all my family are still saving Jehovah happily.

    believe it or not the joy you find in serving Jehovah is something you cant find anywhere ears .

    You only THINK you are happy because that's what you are told. Unless you have really lived OUTside of the cult you have no basis for comparison. I was in it for more than four decades and the happiness I have enjoyed in less than two years out surpasses ALL that I had when I was in. I am sure many others here would agree.

    When they tell you that people on the outside are unhappy, cynical, hateful, they are lying to you and that's not the only lie they tell. Do your research OUTside of the religion and you will find that you're only being told part of the story.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Hang on before we beat up on amadisimon--maybe English isn't this poster's first language.

    I'm sorry. (guilty again of being pompous @$$hole American)

  • karter


    If being JW is so great why are the young ones leaving hand over fist???

    And if your such a great JW what the hell are you doin on here???

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