The GB tightening their grip! Straw to break a camel's back?

by punkofnice 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    I post on a couple of forums and read and lurk and all that stuff.

    A theme that seems to be gaining momentum is about how the GB are 'tightening their grip' and 'becoming more cultish'.

    I don't read the publications anymore and oddly I read extracts of them on the forums.

    Punk is babbling questions are (Sorry if they're a bit long. Sorry if I sound like Satan: 'Is it really so?' but then I am a mentally diseased apostate).

    1. Are the GB REALLY tightening their grip or is it just the same as it ever was........but..........we just notice the propaganda more now we're out?

    2. If it is true that they are 'tightening their grip' will it become such a burden that it'll be the 'straw that broke tha camel's back' and make many more leave?

    3. Has this happened before such as in the '80's when Ray Franz was crucified by the cult leaders?

    .............answers on a postcard c/o ......nah, kidding.

    Your thoughts would be most happifying. Mr P

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Anyone who thinks the GB is NOT tightening their grip simply needs to read the new 'Flock Book'.

    I was raised in and have never known a time like it. I had never heard of Ray Franz until I came across this site!


  • Sayswho

    More personal then the title "GB" Is the names of who make up this group:

    Guy H. Pierce, Samuel F. Herd, Gerrit Lösch, David H. Splane, Stephen Lett, Anthony Morris III, Geoffrey Jackson

    Yes they are making it harder, and a more controlling "religion".

    When there is no personal accountability you can do as you want.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I think it is a bit of all three. We are more sensitive to it being out. They are being more explicit in their rules and procedures (I think because of the last two decades' brain drain in their middle management). And they did have an early 80s paranoia/crackdown after the Franz witch hunts.

  • baltar447

    No doubt it's being mentioned more often than ever before since the Koolaid WT came out. Last year or so has been really obnoxious, so the point of idolatry IMO.

  • jeckle

    Great thread. I've bee wondering this myself. I agree it is probably all three, but want them to fail or being exposed, you know others to find freedom.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    been out for a few years now but right around the time I left they came up with the public and private WT's and from then on I see a steady increase of control and getting rid of there baggage (the weak ones)

    I was in a bethel congregation when it went down with Franz and I was too young to understand fully but at least in my area APOSTACY was a big topic. any hint of questioning and you were talked to pronto

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Found Sheep, I feel like their goal is perhaps to get rid of the weak ones but in reality they're getting rid of people who can think for themselves. That's why they need to be so much more childish and explicit in their instructions. They will end up with a flock of almost-literal sheep who can only follow but not lead. The majority of solid elders are old and dying off, hundreds of younger ones are leaving the Borg, and the congregations are left with half-assed JWs who follow the rules ok, when they remember them, but need constant harping and reminding and pushing.

  • Iconoclast

    Speaking of the Flock book, does anyone know where I can get a copy of it?

  • leavingwt

    It's a publishing corporation, evolving to SURVIVE. At times, this may require tightening. At other times, it may require loosening.

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