Do Active Witnesses Find Meetings Exciting?

by Band on the Run 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    About as exciting as watching paint dry.....................

    I used to have a problem staying awake, which I excused as a medical thing (funny it never occurred at night school or work training classes)

    At home, the family are always complaining about the poor speakers but never would say anything at the hall of course. The irritating ones are those who say " Good meeting wasn't it?" as a conversation piece. I think it just a mindless response like "Nice day again" ......They cannot mean it!

  • BluesBrother

    Sorry, double post ....

  • Reality79

    "Exciting meeting" is an oxymoron.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It is very interesting that no one found them even mediocre. I truly thought there was something wrong with me b/c everyone reported how much they loved it. For a while, my siblings and I outdid each other saying how great they were. So parental pleasing runs in families. I have a fairly extensive extended JW family. My cousins said they were wonderful! I had no peer group in the Witnesses so until this site, I was completely isolated about what others truly thought.

    The Emperor has no clothes!

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