The Infamous May 15th 1984 Watchtower "1914: The Generation That Will Not Pass Away"

by PublishingCult 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PublishingCult

    I do not know how the blogger who posted this infamous WT cover (5/15/84) got all the names of those who posed for this magazine cover, or whether the names are even correct, but if he got it right, man, what a provocative statement.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Cheers PC. When this was posted before, I transferred it to my mobile phone. The names are all there, but the dates are missing I think. It occurred to me, that this (or other 'valuable' info) could be Bluetoothed, which I'm sure I posted on previous thread. Think about it - at, for example, an assembly, surrounding JWs would receive Bluetooth messages as they're only surrounded by other JWs (so nothing to be suspicious about). And they wouldn't know who sent it. Fiendish.

  • PublishingCult

    MidwichCucko, I like it.

    I have a good mind to make quarter page fliers of this image and put them under the windsheild wipers of the the cars parked in front of the KH during meeting . . . or mix them in with the time slips.

    I figured this image was too good not to have been posted before.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    PC - yes, it's particularly good info. Your idea costs you money. You may be seen - and the JWs will realise the fliers are placed by someone outside the Org (I'm not trying to rubbish your idea, I'm just weighing up, what I believe, is the better option)

    Bluetooth is free. There are a lot of board members who still attend meetings. Bluetooth has a limited range. JWs will have their mobile phones on (on silent) during meetings. If they receive a Bluetooth message, they will *know* it came from a member of congregation (but they won't know who) so they WILL read/see it and it will be private (they won't need to worry about anyone else seeing they have it).

  • PublishingCult

    gotcha. I'm just not familiar with how it works, this bluetooth thing you speak of. You would still need individual cell phone numbers to send it, though, right?

  • cantleave
  • MidwichCuckoo

    You would still need individual cell phone numbers to send it, though, right?

    No, that's the beauty of it. When the Bluetooth on your phone is turned on, it will search for other Bluetooth devices. What usually happens is you'll pick up different phones, eg 'Nokia3600' or 'Samsung10' (i've made those up, lol). Or sometimes, 'Sexy Sue' (people sometimes 'name' their phones - I've called mine 'MidwichCuckoo', so that name would be visble for anyone searching for a Bluetooth device within range of my phone - but they wouldn't know it's ''me''). Am I making sense?

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Also, although you'd pick up active Bluetooth phones, you wouldn't know who they were (unless you happen to know that Sister X has named her phone 'Sister Whiplash') but you will be able to see how many phones you've sent image to.

  • WontLeave

    As soon as the JWs realize there are "apostate" flyers on windshields at a convention, they'll gather them all up and throw them away, believing they are doing "God's work" by filtering the truth, just like the publishing company they worship does. Wow, they really are "other sheep companions", the little boot-lickers. They'll make a grand production of throwing them away while obviously not looking at them. They'll chalk it up as a win for the Truth tm .

  • PublishingCult

    I think so.

    So anyone with their bluetooth device turned on would automatically receive the image? Your bluetooth would search for other activated bluetooths and send the pic to whichever device is turned on?

    I did not know that. Why haven't i heard of that before, lol.

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