Hello everyone..

by Georges. 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    OMG!!!!! Moshe

    James, you know it ain't nothin' wrong with bein' Happyfied

    Welcome George

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    Let's be honest Murray. We all know that active JWs are unwelcomed on this forum. Just look at the reaction anyone gets when they defend the Watchtower.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Phil . . . this is georges thread . . . let him manage it. You don't need to be a self-appointed moral policeman . . . especially when it only serves to dissuade new posters.

    The first 'unwelcoming' post on this thread was YOURS

    My apologies georges . . . please continue

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    Unwelcoming? All I did was tell the truth. I think he has the right to know what type of forum he's posting on. If the site was called exjehovahs-witness.net I wouldn't say anything, but since the name is misleading I feel the need to clear up the confusion. Especially when the poster shows in their post that they believe this to be a pro-JW forum.

  • factfinder

    Hi Georges-welcome!

    I was born and raised Jewish, became a witness-was one for almost 30 years, stopped attending meetings almost 6 years ago and am contemplating returning to Judaism!

    But you are certainly welcome here!

  • factfinder

    @Moshe- I pick D. That is my final answer! Do I win a million dollars?!

  • james_woods
    James, you know it ain't nothin' wrong with bein' Happyfied

    Depends on how you do it, I guess -

  • moshe
    since the name is misleading I feel the need to clear up the confusion.

    Hmm, PP has a point- I am afraid I can't proclaim I have never misled a JW before.

  • moshe
    @Moshe- I pick D. That is my final answer! Do I win a million dollars?!

    Yes you do! And the WT Corp is so happy you donated your check to the worldwide work!

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    OK Phil . . . It's clear what you're doing . . . I'm just questioning the wisdom of it.

    Consider this . . .

    The fact that this site is not clearly identified as an "apostate website" (for JW's) is a good thing . . . it invites them to access it without the heavy load of WT induced guilt.

    If they have registered by mistake . . . what's the worst that can happen? . . . they will realise the mistake and withdraw . . . maybe a little embarassed

    What's the best that can happen? . . . they may find something here that matches doubts they may be harbouring, (as with many JW's) and read something that initiates their passage out of a dangerous cult.

    If it came to pass in say 5 or 10 years from now that georges does exit the cult how will he look on your post then? . . . "Hell, I could have done this ten years ago if only that Philidelphia Ponos guy hadn't warned me away"

    Just think about it

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